Adverse Reaction

It made this clear by growing harder as he watched, abashed, before the growing weight of his tail pulled him off balance, and he stumbled over backward.

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Twitter Bites: Diaper Bully (Humiliation)

Like trained soldiers, the pitbull's goons pushed me face first into the garden wall, lifted my bushy tail, pulled back the already soaked diaper, and took turns peeing down my backside. the padding was barely enough to contain butch's load with my cum.

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Skink and Anole

He was playing tag with anole when he grabbed her tail, pulled her to him hand over hand, she laughed and squealed at his amorous advances, and began moaning loudly as he began his business under her tail, wrapping around her and biting her neck lizard style

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Paul and the Bear

Silently, he drew himself up to the curled tail, pulled it slowly straight and dived his nose right into paul's balls, nuzzling and sniffing hungrily at them.

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Cow Appreciation 4

He grabs the base of her tail, pulling his hand up along that long, swishy thing. "to properly breed you takes lots and lots of sperm. this won't be a one-time thing." her arms wobble, her lip quivering. "i...

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A Midnight Surprise

Rigg got a firm grip on enro's tail, pulled him back and slammed his entire length into the fox. enro's body regained its tension. the tape flew off of enro's mouth as fox's muzzle shot open with a loud moan.

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Third Round

Jonathon grabbed his tail, pulled, and fucked harder. a mixture of pained and pleasured grunts filled the air. alex lay still throughout it all. after twenty minutes, the horse came, and pulled their bodies flush together.

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Exacting Revenge

The bear-serpent was toppled over by the sudden yank on his tail pulling his hips into the air. he wiggled his legs as they hung in midair, twisting to look back at his transformed friend.

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Fast Learner part 2

She went down with a grunt, her rear end propped up in the air now with her tail pulled up, lewdly displaying her virgin sex and tailhole. the young blue blushed in her new position.

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Village Life

Giara pops his head above water for a breath of air just in time to get his tail pulled nearly sending him back under as he turns wincing a little at the slight pain before reaching out and pulling the young boy up and grinning throwing him back.

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Inferno Match: Draco vs Crash McCloud

He grabs crash by the tail, pulling him back into the ringside area. the crowd cheers for darius and starts the "draco's gonna kill you" chants. darius turns crash towards the corner of the ring.

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Last Man Standing: Darius Koopa vs Crash McCloud

Darius again grabs him by the tail, pulling him back and taking him by the throat for a choke slam in the ring. crash screaming very loud in pain as his back meets the canvas of the ring. darius and the crowd count along with the referee.

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