Star Hunter Gunndis Ch 2

She pulls the hood back from her face and opens a third eye on her otherwise human face. an inner golden glow radiates from the third eye and she closes her normal eyes, 'this hunter is not some weak common being. but how is she shielded from me?'

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The Uninvited

Unlike bret, however, my third eye could see something small, pale, and almost transparent perhaps an inch long swiftly scurry out of the envelope and up my companion's arm.

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The Black Goat in the Woods

She instinctively blinked with her third eye as her fur rubbed across it. "richie? me-e-e-e-eh! richie? h-e-e-e-e-elp me-e-e-e-e-eh! ba-a-a-a-a-a-ah!" "... movie of all time."

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The Warrior's Dove Ch: 20

Stumbling, shocked breaths came as the world was seen through a third eye, low to the ground and heart as cold as his body was a disfigured beat pounding in the darkness.

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Conquest of the King [Commission]

His third eye flashed, and a thin beam of pure light shot from it. it passed straight through him, just setting the flowers and plants around the cat ablaze.

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Agony. 3

Fueled by this deceit, she sought out the mad god, and brought ruin upon him and his domain, striking the killing blow through his third eye, his essence destroyed utterly, her anger sated, but not her grief.  

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Star Hunter Gunndis Ch 3

"interfere with my pleasures again, and you will join her in my harem after i pluck out your third eye, orace." she lowers her gaze and steps back away from the pair of combatants.

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Seiko no Oni - Ona ga nihiki imasu

Both of us morphed, raijin into his thunderous form with his third eye, mine where my horns grew longer, more horns grew from my head, my hair grew, my nails turned into claws and i grew a mane. both of us filled up the small apartment.

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His third eye opened. he screamed. you scrambled to pull the device out of your pocket as he screamed and pointed at you, and as quickly as you could, you gave him another bright flash.

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Mano was starting to wish she'd had her third eye put into the back of her head instead. _'i don't want to be here.'_ she tried to imagine what klein might have said.

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Awaking of Thomas (part 1.)

"yes " i say she walks up, pulling your forehead down and kisses you on the third eye, then both cheek, "may you see in truth, speak in truth, and love in truth." letting go she steps to the side, an outstretched arm pointing into the woods.

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[Teebs13] Symbiotic Ascension

With a loud \*shlorp\*, a third eye opened on his head. it glowed with a menacing orange hue as its black slitted pupil examined its surroundings frantically.

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