Lost Kitty

These were rabbits, prey. he was a cat. "alright, i think you've gotten a good look," their mother concluded. "go to your rooms, and i'll let you know when you can come back out."

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Recontextualize 7 - Illusion

Most of them were rabbits and squirrels along with the odd chipmunk. nick and nadine advanced deeper into the complex together. "i recognize her," nadine said. it was one of the streamers that they failed to rescue.

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Tribal Encounter

Nathan gulps and looks down ashamed as he said, " no, if i knew i was so close to your tribe or even if you were rabbits yourselves i would have hunted a rabbit down i would have stuck to leaves and berries i only hunted one but it wont happen again promise

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Relaxing at the Spa

"well," amethyst started, "we were rabbits. but we were converted and changed into raptors by our master's nanomachines." "n-nanomachines?"

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Coming to terms Part 1

It seemed they were rabbits. it was almost alien as seeing a human again. it made me consider that perhaps my ordeal in the past had lead to mutations outside of my own area. i decided to confront it another time. we were left alone again.

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Two Weeks - 5 A Bunny Interlude

The majority were rabbits of various colors and sizes, though there were a couple other species scattered about that had married in, or were just there to eat that night.

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They were rabbits. virile. and they were in their element as they proceeded toward unabashed, so-needed love-making. for the moment, personality-clashes didn't matter much. for now, all was right and proper. for now, no answers were needed.


Feral Dialysis - II - Summit of Confusion

The only long footed animal that crossed his mind were rabbits, but what would they be doing out here? and more importantly, what business do they have with guns? they are prey, afterall.

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Debatably So

Though they were rabbits and bred voraciously (each of them 'peaking' five times a day), though these sensations were nothing new, nothing original, her body still felt freshly glorious each and every time. glorious.

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Waiting for Thunder

And, even though he and cordova were rabbits, they weren't all that much like snow rabbits. the same increased virility, yes, and the same basic build, physically. but emotionally? mentally?


To Touch and Know

But they were rabbits. their enhanced virility (a bothersome curse or a blissful gift, or both) keeping them in bed, keeping them physically pressed. both snow rabbits in the same breeding party, with eight snow rabbits in the party.


Zootopia AU - Looking for a future - chapter 2

True to its namesake, many of the buildings and décor were bunny themed in some fashion: round doors or windows on some houses, carrot shaped light posts in one of the plazas she walked though, a rabbit-ear sign welcoming the tourists...

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