Digimon masters ch.2 who can i trust?

Will i hope you like it not my best work but heh heh whatever right when i woke up i was in a forest don't know how i got here but i'm going to find rose where ever she is i just hope she safe wait a min when those greymons where trying to kill us i heard

Penny, Bolt, and Mittens yiffy adventure Chapter 3 Part 1

Tell penny what ever she does she must try to save me before i arrive at where ever he is!!!!"

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Lunas Diary

This system worked for a very long time until the dark sister began to feel lonely as she was always awake at night but none of the others where ever there to see all of her hard work.

The Revenge Of The Ice-Queen

where-ever she went in the world, her friends, seth and her antagonists followed until she finally decided to establish her home in canada, the land of the maple leaf.

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The ladylike way of saying "Please Fuck Me"

Of thinking that by the end of the night you'd either be at the end of his leash or in a men's bathroom; where ever he decided to leave you. and you pray that by the end you won't end up pregnant.

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Poems and Songs from March Hospitalization

Love silver and gold a glint of silver, a touch gold, some liquid metal, to fill a mold, starts real hot, turns real cold, never rusting, but tarnished when old, and always valuable, where-ever sold, it's no surprise, that everyone, loves silver and gold

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Chapter 2 - Teacher & Student

"just take a seat where ever you like, i'm not one of those teachers who tells you were to sit," tony smiled and nodded, sitting down at the nearest empty chair he could find, which of course was in the front of the room.

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A Cross of Warriors

It didn't take long for sleep to over take them all since they had been hunting for a while, and not to mention red had carried that large buck all the way back here by himself, where ever here was.

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in a wolf's body: chpt 15: Caesar's other side

You're not getting out to ruin my life. soon i'm going to wake up and you're going back to where ever you came from" "oh really? do you know how much effort it took for me to get here? a fuckload. you're not stopping me.

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The Last One Ch. 1

The ability to go where ever he wanted. he lived about 11 miles away from the university. that could sometimes be a nightmare if he ever overslept, but he was getting better at waking up in time.

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A cub's surprise

He took off his shirt, letting it land where-ever, and walked out of his room. he wanted to show his family what he had just found. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- who's next?

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a five nights at Freddy’s fanfic (short)

Since the last guy that watched the cameras was promptly tooken care of the guys were able to freely roam where ever they wanted without anything stopping them.

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