The Academy - Acceptance

"shortly a list of the applicants who are accepted will be read. when your last name is called, take one step forward." he cleared his throat and began to read an alphabetized list of names.

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Anniversary and Acceptance

The first five years of a marriage are always full of surprises: kids, in-laws, a new home and nosey neighbors. For one couple their marriage has been one rather strange roller coaster ride. Now into their seventh year of marriage, Jeanette is slowly...

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Hopeless Acceptance

Have you ever heard something so many times that you finally stop fighting it and just accept it? even though you know it isn't true?

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Windchaser - Acceptance

I have spent enough time adjusting and accepting. it is finally time to do something with my life." with that last sentence, cosmo left the kitchen and navigated to his bedroom, to get some well deserved rest before his resolution can be started.

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Logan's Acceptance

I just couldn't accept it that i'd fallen for him... "mum, dad... sam. what are you doing here?" samantha held up her hand to silence my parents before they could speak. such a bitch... she was so full of herself.

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Acceptance - Forgiveness

Who could ever come to accept this? i can't even accept it. who am i and why am i doing this?_ the horse turned of his light and went to sleep, unable to figure anything out.

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Acceptable Losses

**acceptable losses** "i accept." the leomon-like beast hadn't even finished uttering those two little words before he lunged forward with unrivaled speed towards a tied up lizard across the room.

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The Trial of Acceptance

It was the first time he had heard koru laugh since he had met him and he felt that maybe the cub was finally adjusting to his new life or at least was beginning to accept that things were getting a little better.

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Challenge Accepted

It was accepted in a quick rumble by brian, who didn't shy from the feeling of the big tongue intending to explore his maw. his tongue tried mimicking the tiger's action.

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A Challenge Accepted

"Come on ladies, I wanna see some hustle!" Iris Blancca called out to her assembled class. "Those attackers aren't going to kick their own asses. Keep your kicks high, and follow through with your punches." The arctic fox paced as she watched the...

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