Collecting pokemon eggs (2) WARNING!!! Castration ahead

"Char-arr!!!" The Charizard grunted loudly as he thrust furiously in and out of the toy his master held in his arms. "Come on buddy bust those nuts already so I can finish eating." Jasper said putting his right leg back to push agenst the males...

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The wild Rose 5: A new life ahead of us.

Naraaku was confused. "You're where?"he asked Lily. His vision was very diffuse and foggy, and he had his hard time walking towards her. His legs were weak and shambling. This had happened so fast. Strange toughts invaded his mind. In one...

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Tanks, Allies, And More Troubles Ahead prt.2

Tanks, allies, and more troubles ahead. prt. 2 brian opened his eyes. sunlight poured into the driver's compartment. his head laid in the notch on the steering wheel. he apperently had a good sleep. the whole wheel was covered in drool.

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Twotopia - Chapter 13: More Wilde Times Ahead.

"well the chemo was working ok, but he was eligible for a new type of cellular isolative therapy and they said it had the potential to work faster and with less damage to the body than the chemo so, we went ahead and did that.

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Tales of The Thief King: Chapter 5: The Path Ahead.

Chapter 5: the path ahead. dragare pov when i awoke, i felt better than i had in ages, for once, my mind was quiet.

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Plucking some fox grapes WARNING!!! Castration ahead

"Hurry up kit, we're already late!" The wolf said pulling on the leash of the small fox who was trying desperately to pull away. "You are going to get it later if I have to pick you up and drag you in there." He said in a frustrated tone. The poor fox...

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Fixing bad behavior 2 WARNING!!! Castration ahead

"Make sure he avoids big hits to his balls aswell as lifting anything heavy..." He told Sebastian. "Since he's to young to cum you won't really notice a change... His puberty symptoms won't be anywhere near as bad as an intact cub... No whiskers, no...

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Kit Turner’s Guide to Race Weekends (Ahead of the Pack Preview)

So my big project lately has been working hard on my first novel ahead of the pack. if you've read heat 15 from sofawolf press, you've already met the main characters and seen the antics they've gotten into.

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Go For Brokeback (Warning for human main character up ahead)

With glittering lights blasting all over like portrait studio bulbs or flashing with snaps of disorienting color, Josh thought he was in a war zone fought with fireworks. Different signs clicked up and down with different mechanical and...

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Splintered Light, Ch 9.4: Looking Ahead; Looking Back

Splintered light chapter 9.4: looking ahead; looking back tobias severna was a man of science, but he also held a very deep-seated respect for the church.

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Lucas Stewart’s Guide to Stock Car Racing (Ahead of the Pack Preview)

So my big project lately has been working hard on my first novel ahead of the pack. if you've read heat 15 from sofawolf press, you've already met the main characters and seen the antics they've gotten into.

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.11 - A Long Journey Ahead of Them)

(david's pov) when i know that treecko is ready on latias' back, i told latios from under me to ascend so we can get over with our long journey ahead of us.

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