Winner Takes All

Looking down at his now-ambulatory frame, the wolfdragon examined himself over just to see if he was at least still decent.

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A Raptor in Radaxian's Court 3 - Pon

He headed onwards through the treacherous grass, avoiding ambulatory fire, the occasional strange mutated red-scaled fish that flapped menacingly at him in a suicidal rage before he punch-slashed them out of the way, and of course, the odd scorpion.

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Cold as Steel (A Flexible Survival Fan Fiction) Part 3

He's alive and ambulatory and it looks like he's on his way with the surviving marines to a safe area." samorn let out a deep sigh of relief and briefly stroked her head with both hands. "oh, god. thank you, thank you, thank you!"

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Troth - Part 2

Troth had learned on the planet after attempting to reproduce with a wall-climbing ambulatory moss (mostly his symbiote's doing... mostly), that after copulation the newly transformed creature was quite obedient to the one who transformed it.

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Hell Week P. 35-77

Some of the ambulatory wounded were milling about with them--talking, filling canteens, taking a quick piss or tending other needs. ciero had been drinking ever since eladio gave him the canteen.

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Just Breathe - Chapter 1

Rasithenuk stays quiet, seeming a bit more withdrawn now that i'm semi-ambulatory. i stay quiet as well, still sorting out more than a few things in my own head.

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I Could Do It In My Sleep

The ambulatory landmark that was patricia turned and advanced several thunderous steps. "i just want you to like me..." dina waved her romantic offerings. "fuck yeah i like you.

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Forgotten Worlds 3 - A Great Offence

Alestes tried to come near to try and blind it, but the smell was practically ambulatory, solid enough to move with him and make him lose focus, struggling to stand its presence.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 17

He wanted it, though, despite all paradox of emotion, and flicked his ear back as the larger and more ambulatory male tightened his arms, pressing olly's naked back to his smooth chest.

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On Colonizing Part 4

I have been reduced to using the assistance of the ambulatory worker units to dig slit trenches for me. lovely. at least i'm not the only one returning to nature in this way.

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Reconnect Part III

Naked was how they slept best and how they could rarely sleep since alex became ambulatory enough to waddle into their room and wake them up. the kangaroo nestled into bed beside her husband underneath linen smelling faintly of lavender.

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Reunion, Part 5

The wolf was fully ambulatory, simply being encouraged to sleep more or less sitting up tonight and with someone nearby in case any symptoms manifested during the night. i made sure that he would be comfortable and knew where everything was.

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