Jeremy 035; When In Nutzville's jail...

Sager's saturday morning usual turned out to be a cup of coffee, a bottle of aspirin that he took a couple pills from and a glazed jelly doughnut.


Nice Guy

She didn't feel so bad now, so she reached out and stuffed the aspirin into her mouth, drowning it in the orange juice. the juice tasted good; so good, she finished the glass.

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Shelter (Alaska 4)

"...aspirin..." "well that'll do little good," the jaguar snorted. "anything there for headache?" glenn asked.

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A Chance of Showers - Part Seven

"did i see some aspirin in your medicine cabinet?" he asked. "i've got a pharmacy in there," jake replied, between yawns. "aspirin, acetaminophen, naprosyn, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, and maybe even a vicodin or two. take what you want."

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Love and War Chapter 1

He slouched over to the kitchen ,took an aspirin and went back to bed. ------------------------------------------------ what josh taught was another piercing headache was actually his alarm clock. he hit the top of it which seemed to work.

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Prologue to F.U.R.: The Brotherhood

The lizard looks at him questioningly, "aspirin?" he throws his a full bottle of the white pills, "thanks, i'll need these..." as the door shuts, he look back over the pictures. the sees a familiar face, "x!"

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Where's the Radio?

Nala fixed taylor some coffee and handed him some aspirin for the pain. taylor simply put the mug on the coffee table and rest his head in nalas' lap. nala softly stroked the fur on his neck and down his back.


Time for a change – Part 2

Barely conscious, she slapped her beeping alarm to turn it off and fiddled for one of the aspirin she'd left by the side of the bed in case the ache from last night showed up again.

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Just what I needed

Rick quickly washed his paw off, drank down some water and aspirin, and headed back to the bedroom. he wanted to curl up with the lion, but what would mike think? probably nothing, since they were both drunk at the time.

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The Year of Many Thunders ch. 1

He didn't live far, only a couple of blocks, but the aspirin hadn't done much for me and i wanted to make it home before i threw up. luka's car sat in the parking lot, which meant he hadn't left for work.

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Second Chance

Do you have an aspirin or something? it's... really banging." page 4: she's stands back up and moves over the the mirror. "can you hear me in there?"

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Hidden Desires: Rising Tensions

The aspirin made things clearer. whether it was a psychological event or fast acting pills; being able to focus made everything better.

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