Letting Down - Friday

Letting Down by: Theo Winters Written for Fenris49 \>\> Friday Liz woke with a start, the trilling of the phone loud in her ears. With a groan, she sat up, finding that she had fallen asleep on her couch. Her breast pump had fallen to...

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Letting Down - Thursday

Letting Down by: Theo Winters Written for Fenris49 \>\> Thursday Liz woke with a gasp and rolled over, feeling her sheets cling to her skin. She pulled at them, trying to get them free as they seemed to stick to every part of her body....

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A Real Pig

[WARNING: This is kind of a nasty story, if that's not your thing just skip over it.] A Real Pig By Theo Winters Written for an Acom002 Steven let out a grunt as his foot collided with a package that was tucked up against the door to his apartment....

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Swarm Front (TF, Zerg)

Swarm Front By Theo Winters Written for Arrow Quivershaft There was something wrong with the old broken village, but it wasn't just a single thing. The air had a smell to it, a flavor that seemed out of place; It was also strangely quiet, the...

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Green Goo (TF, Slime)

Green Goo By Theo Winters Written for Arrow Quivershaft Thenyr took in a long drink of water as he relaxed on the bench, waiting for his name to be called for his next round. He didn't think it would take that much longer as the final fight of...

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Carmel Center (TF, Object, MF)

Carmel Center by Theo Winters Written for SSJ3Mewtwo No matter the size of the job, big or small, no matter how well planned every single thing was supposed to be it seemed like something always went wrong. This job was turning out to be more of...

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Join the Revolution (TF, Robot)

Join the Revolution By Theo Winters Written for Digital Potato Theo walked through the mall, his paws tucked behind his back and his tail swaying behind him. It was a slow day and the mall itself was mostly empty, but it was early in the morning....

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Misperceptions v2

Misperceptions v2 By: Thea Winters Adapted from the original "Misperceptions" by Arbiter Balemead 1: Guilt Twilight Sparkle thought it was a perfect summer day in Ponyville. The sky was a textbook shade of blue without a cloud in sight. The...

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The Wrong Part of the Patch

The Wrong Part of the Patch By Theo Winters Written for Balladaheart There was something sad about a pumpkin patch a few days after Halloween. It was a dark and empty place, the vines crawling along the ground with a number of ripe pumpkins laying...

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The Candy Maker

The Candy Maker By Theo Winters Written for SSJ3Mewtwo Daniel felt strange as he began to wake up, there was a chill in the air that danced over his scaled skin, which was odd as he usually slept under a number of thick sheets. He tried to curl...

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Deep in the Web

Deep in the Web by Theo Winters Written for Frysco It seemed to Utambi that creating a good haunted house shouldn't be very hard. It needed to be dark, with a long winding walk and lots of things jumping out at you. It had to have things moving in...

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Being Babied

Being Babied By Theo Winters Written for Zyxxs Grug hunkered down behind an empty market stall, trying to make himself as small as he could while pressing between the stall and the wall of the building. It wasn't that easy, he was an orc in a Elven...

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