FY 11 - Misfire

Kris hurried to get dressed for school, today was the last day he had to plan out what he was going to do before he ended up at the gym with his father again tomorrow. Duke was still acting like a controlling jerk and he needed to find a way to make...

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Confessions Part 1

_The play button is depressed and a recording starts, the sound of someone asking a question but it's muffled and not audible then comes a woman's voice in reply._ How did this all start? I was young and naive. That's usually how most of these...

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Playing Dressup: Jewelry

"Now, now dearie mustn't get too excited we have a long way to go to get you ready for your big debut!" Reluctantly you push her away, pretending to realize that you've forgotten something in your haste to set up this 'salon'. "Oh my no!" You moan...

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Playing Dressup: Shoes

You head to your room to get read for your part in this afternoon of fun. You find one of your wife's large pink t-shirts and switch to wearing that, tying it off in the front so that it pulls tight over your pecs leaving your midriff bare. You take a...

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Mom to the rescue!

By the time you got home there was only two hours before you were supposed to take her to the school for the dance. The first thing she did was run up the stairs to take another shower. She had the water on even before you'd dropped your keys and...

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In a theater

The theater is oddly empty, you aren't sure but it seems like there should be more people there. You easily get your tickets, popcorn and drinks, even getting some candies for your daughter when she gives you that sweet little smile and points at them....

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Saturday Morning

Saturday dawned bright and clear, the sun streaming through the window right into your eyes so there was little chance of you getting any more sleep. Stumbling you made your way to the bathroom and did the necessary. As you were brushing your teeth you...

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To sleep perchance to dream

Lying in bed you stare at the ceiling for a while, hoping that you did the right thing. But there is a nagging doubt in your mind that you should never have let her get to you like that. Kissing her like she was an adult... What were you thinking? How...

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Popcorn and a movie

When you get home the dress goes into her closet safely tucked away until the dance tomorrow night. Then she smiles and says, "Daddy can we watch a movie together?" Looking up at you with that innocent smile of hers and making you smile in return. ...

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Friday evening

Friday, thank god! This week sucked ass, what with you not being able to sleep and all the freaky moments with your daughter. It will be nice to spend a weekend without having to think about work, perhaps you can find some time with your wife during...

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A little indulgence

It's been a few days, you've been doing your best to forget about what you saw in your daughter's room, but it's hard to put if out of your mind. Everyone's gone to bed for the night but you and there is this movie that your buddy gave you, it's called...

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It begins

You're on your way to bed when a sound draws your attention, just a few steps away your daughters door is partially open and there are soft whimpers coming from inside. She's been having bad dreams lately so you quietly move the few steps to peek in...

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