Remember Her Smile (OLD STORY)

**Before anyone gives me shit on this, I wrote this exactly four years ago. It's not as good as my other stuff.** **Back then, we had no idea about DotD and TeN was just announced. Aka, none of us had any idea of what was gonna happen.** "You need...

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Memories (OLD STORY): The Temple

**Ok, I completely FORGOT to post the one shot prequel to this, but Spyro commits suicide before this story after Cynder dies. Hence why she was like she was in the beginning. Gimmie a min, I'll post it.** "Cynder?" Cynder wondered who this dragon...

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**This is a remake of Shattered Dementions. This is far better with a better plot, pacing, and even writing style. If any of you have a better name, feel free to suggest** Her eyes flew open as fiery orange orbs searched the surroundings. Plants grew...

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What If?: Wrong Choice

In terms of understanding this story, you are not gonna understand it that much. Hell, I don't either. It was a random thing that I was bored and doing a theme challenge thing. I didn't put in descriptions that much since this is more aimed at the...

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Malefor: the True Origin chapter 3: The Ritual

Night had fallen and there was murmur of excitement going around. The new element, Convexity, had been publicly announced with Malefor being the unwilling subject of new interest. He enjoyed the attention from some females, but he really just wanted to...

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I'm Sorry

**Just an FYI, I use Yards instead of ft. Kilometers instead of miles. Etc. Dracidon is what I use for people.** _Focus...focus...._ The word repeated itself multiple times in the young dragoness's head. Although the room was dark, she could tell...

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Shattered Dementions: Dementia

**This is the first chapter to be done before a live audience. Many more will come that will be done with people watching.** The portal took Kay about halfway across the city. It seemed like she had just flowing through air, but here she was,...

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Shattered Demensions: Vex

"Your apprentice?" Kay raised her eyebrow. Was he pulling one of his alien mind tricks? "Indeed." Aha, he was confirming it! "I need some help, Kay. But before we go on, what do you think this floor is made of?" Illthian knocked his claw against the...

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Shattered Dementions: Apprenticeship

Kay was dragged by chains to the lair of the alien overload. In front of her, a mutated slime monster held the end of the chain, flanked by a monster who was wearing priest clothes. The chain was made of the hide of her best friend, Vormund, but Kay...

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Shattered Dementions

"So tell me why you want to steal his crystal?" This question was asked by a floating white snake with yellow fins traveling down its spine. It looked down at the glowing crystal that was on a platform with golden eyes. Oddly, as dracidons walked by,...

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No More Nightmares...

Coulda been a lot better. But Meh, this is not really supposed to be my highest quality work, but I hop eyou will enjoy it. If you are gonna fave or vote, please tell me what you liked. I need to know this stuff if I am gonna improve. Same goes for if...

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The New Portal

Only limited to 4k words on this one. Again, this is sort of an idea dump, but this one is much easier to follow. Did I mention that I hate the fact that I have to put in either m/f, m/m, f/f, etc in order to get an adult rating? What, does everyone...

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