The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 6 Quiet

The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 6 Quiet Slizer stopped his pressuring on Zekaev. ''What do you want'' Derevo walked forward. ''I want you to stop this madnes and explain yourself before I bring you to Marcus.'' Slizer didnt like to be threatened...

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The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 5 The Rescue

Authors Note: Before you begin reading please read this first. You see I like cool battles with fitting music so I was thinking to put some musc for you to listen during some of the battle This is completely optiona ofcourse but to maximise your...

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The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 2: The Duel

The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter Two The Duel   Rockie walked towards the opening gates to the arena, as he entered the announcer started speaking again. ''There he is, the rocking beast.'' The crowd went insane when Rockie roared. ''Up next is the...

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The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 3 The Betrayal

Edited on 19.8.2011 The House of Raisii was having a small party to celebrate their victory. Rocky, Donido and Tyrant were all filling their stomachs with all their favorute meals. The Gardevoirs were serving drinks and food to all of the Gladiators...

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Pokemon Homeland Chapter 6

Chapter 6 The Adventure Begins... ''Ah good grief'' Laura had spent two hours showing Rochelle to her parents and friends and she had also convinced to let her mom to go on a journey. Rochelle and Laura were walking side by side on a dirt road. Laura...

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Fursona Adventures Chapter 3 Firewolf Part 2

Fursona Adventures Chapter 3 Firewolf Part 2   Dexaherdron sighed, he was standing outside his apartment door exhausted.   "Why did he make me do overtime even thou its Valentine's Day..." He muttered as he opened the door and went inside. He threw...

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Fursona Adventures Chapter 2 WilsonB. Greene Part 1

Fursona Adventures Chapter 2 Wilson B. Green Part 1   Wilson was excited, it was his first day at his new school, the Cornell University of engineering. He was flying above the crowded people in the large courtyard. Wilson was the only bat here as it...

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Fursona Adventures Chapter 1 Firewolf Part 1

Fursona Adventures Chapter 1 Firewolf Part 1 What if we would travel back to medieval ages and we would change humans with fursonas? I would like to see that. "Die!" Firewolf yelled as she jumped down from the tree she was hiding in, she held her...

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The Digimon Wars Rewrite Chapter 1

Author's note: Before you start reading let me tell you something quickly, The Digimon Wars is my first published story I ever made. I got to 19 long chapters on Book One, three medium sized chapters on Special Chapters, eleven short chapters on Book...

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The Digimon Wars Rewrite Chapter 2

The Digimon Wars Chapter 2 And So It Begins   When the morning came Michael was walking back and forth at the window. He had woken up in confusion, for a moment he had forgotten all about yesterday and when it all had come back to him he was slightly...

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Pokémon Diaries Chapter 3 What Did I do?

Chapter 3 What Did I Do?   "Stop laughing at me!" I yelled as Quilava kept on laughing, I had tried and tried to move my tail and I have only managed to fart thus far. We had just finished breakfast and had decided to try to move my tail again, we were...

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Fursona Adventures Chapter 4 BuriJan Part 1

Fursona Adventures Chapter 4 BuriJan Yetman Part 1   "I don't know if I can walk out there without fainting."   "Listen BuriJan, this is the biggest moment of your life. It's not like you were kid and stepped on dragon droppings, this will be...

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