After the Storm - Part 1 [Back to work]

Well, let's just say avalon isn't one to brag. wooden cottages could be seen dotting the valley below. in the center lies the source of their military strength: the academy.

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After the Storm - Part 18 [The Intruder]

You think that avalon's military prowess is superior?" the hypno let out a chuckle. "oh how wrong you are. if anything, avalon is one of the most dysfunctional powers in all of history." "bullshit!" charlie exclaimed from behind them.

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After the Storm - Part 8 [The Assessment]

Being an officer of avalon, he has served several countries in need. avalon used to be open to the military needs of the world, though it has recently made arrangements with mainly the us as both powers fight to maintain the peace between countries.

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After the Storm - Part 35 [A Glimmer of Hope]

This documents states that you are absolved of all past crimes committed in the city of avalon.

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Half-Blood Chapter XXVIII

Richard said they live in a place called avalon... what's it like?"

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Never pick a ride

I said, " new avalon please" he smiled and just left the door open so i hopped in. he was an older dragon and i could sence his ebullient voice as he spoke. i just shrugged it off and knew if it was a ride to avalon i wouldn't mind.

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Treasure Seeker: The Desert Fox

His voice was like a dangerous poison as he spat, "get the prince of avalon. find him and kill him." "no!"

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Character Reference Sheet for Red

Clothing: standard avalon foundation flight uniform, helmet has a grinning devil's head painted on the visor cover. when out of flight gear, wears jeans, work shirts, and a wool-lined denim jacket and timberland-style boots.

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The Half-Moon Tribe: Full-Moon Tales. -- Guest Story!

We both walked out, and waiting for us outside, were arch, slayn, and avalon. slayn had the cutest blush on his cheeks, and avalon kept his arm wrapped around him possessively.

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 7

"there are trackers on avalon?" meriah asked, shocked at the thought of them in a free mrr'tani camp. "they're everywhere, meriah. even among the free mrr'tani, frr'a'narr'ahn are never allowed to live." "so i can't stay on avalon."

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Exploration II

Lady avalon had no less than seven, oohing and awing over her most recent title.

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Max's Character Reference Sheet

Rebecca stewart - avalon foundation agent and 'field commander', close friend. nina marie 'dart' dartford - wingman.

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