The Secret of Sex Jellies 1

"tik tik coming, beastie beast! eat me and get hurty hurt!" the response she gets includes the burbling and sucking she expects from a creature, followed by a slurp and a friendly. "hello, there!"

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Tik Tik at the Pooka's Pool 7

It's also quite funny that tik tik ponders on these ideas when she is busy gargling the balls of the sizeable, beasty male, his weight pressing upon her head, making her fall to her knees.

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A Taste of Passion

Honestly, he was enjoying the flavor of this little beasty too. a regular rub of his tongue against that coerced erection was slathering a line of precum on his taste buds; the flavor almost sweet along with the cinnamon, like a basting glaze.

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Alls youse gots to do is say da name of whatever beastie youse wants to change into, see, then to change again already youse says da name of da next! got it! have a nice day! go micks!" and the genie disappeared in anther puff of nasty cigar smoke!

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A Visitor

"goodnight beastie." edward murmured as he turned flipping the lights off as he walked inside the house. he heard a sad sound behind him and ignored it as he went to strip his clothes off and get a shower before bed.

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Trosh vs. Brutlra part 2

Well, we dwarfs face large beasties in the tunnels of our home all the time, and i'm a star student in the arts of our grappling!" "i didn't think you'd get so excited at combat!" the orc interjects. trosh freezes.

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I'm Only Human

He would be ready if that beasty came his way. he was not ready for what he heard next. "laughter?" he thought. his blood went cold. did the people laughing not hear the roar?

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Eventually, solarblaze gave up looking for the beasty when hir tummy rumbled and shi snuggled up to illumanati for food. nati just smiled and handed the cub a chicken leg, which shi happily chewed and slurped on.

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Day Six - No Love For Ludroth

When the steam finally stopped bursting from his ears, he told me that while he was guarding a caravan, a gang of six ludroth approached their caravan and attacked, and he said and i quote "how was i supposed ta know d'em cute beasties packed such a wallop

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Flowers of the Lily Nymph 1

"but my boss and i are looking to catch a beastie and deliver her over to the baroness, and she has a taste for... unspoiled flowers, as it were." the tender takes a deep breath and places her rag over her shoulder.

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Moonlight Troubles

Am i going to turn into a big snarly beastie every full moon?" his dad chuckled a bit and came back with.

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Steelfang: A Tale of Redwall Chapter 4

"never seen anot'er like it, you're a lucky beastie ta be tha one ta wield it." "thank you, mate. here, feel the weight and balance, they're perfect." dann was in the act of passing the fine weapon when a sudden shout stopped him.

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