Eternal Mortality: One Last Try

A hearty furson with strong people skills, and a built figure he has been bread for his position from birth, but at his father's death he gave up his birthright, forfeiting it to his brother. he serves the judge, but he does not know it.

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Sneak Peak - Hell Forged: Chapter 2

You were denied your birthright, the very knowledge of what you are. all because they feared you." "f-feared me?" "yes," bereft murred. "they feared what you could be.

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Miranda's Ognesha Memories 1

"my sweet miranda, always forsaking her birthright, never wishing to travel to her ancestral lands." "you make it tough, old bird, to make me wanna go there! are all the orcs as crazy as you, or is it your human side what done it?

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A Study on Dragons

"ah, the dragonkin--humanoids who claim their birthright from dragons long ago. kobolds, our eternal servants, and wyverns and drakes, and the like. many of those were experiments by some of my ancestors.

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City of Dreams

David carrington was his name and becuase he might have been born on london's higher rungs, he made sure that everyone knew of his british upbringing and the increased education and status that he felt was his birthright.

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Dodekatheon Pantheon

He serves as the principal agent of the dodekatheon in delivering birthrights and is often a scion's first contact with the divine hierarchy. hermes' scions are often impressed into similar roles.

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The Aesir Pantheon

Thor has fathered large numbers of scions, but tends to reward them with birthrights less frequently than other members of the aesir do.

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Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 5

Here goes, i activate my face-down card, birthright! when this card is activated, i can special summon a normal monster from my graveyard in attack mode. i special summon my dark magician!

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Coronation Day, Chapter 17

"if i'm not allowed to run away from my birthright then neither are you, seth. we're going to the mountains, aren't we? the coastal range?" "are you not running from your supposed birthright at this very moment?"

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Rouge's Colosseum 12

It'll be by the use of my whole body against yours, and when we are through, impudent troublemaker, you'll know that i am a princess not by birthright but by the merit of my skill." surge pants, one eye opening up, her frown growing.

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Or would they authorize such a transaction, he'd hardly the birthright to take a shit without their sanction!

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Trosh vs. Brutlra part 2

"no weapons, except for our birthright." she slaps her chest. "now, show!" trosh hides his blush through his curly beard, but undoes his belt and removes his shoes, stepping out of his outfit and standing naked in the battlefield.

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