Pray pt. 2
"there you are little coati, free of straining your poor leg," the aardwolf did his best to mock my voice as he opened the door for me. i just chuckled and shook my head playfully before i gave him a passionate kiss and sat down in his car.
Qest Primal - Chapter 23: You Ain't It
The next step would be, of course, to shove pilotte off of the coati. but pilotte anticipated such a move. he kept eli away with his long and thick tail, swinging it around himself. eli couldn't approach the man without risk of getting hit.
Qest: Primal - Chapter 8: Fresh Blood
Dressed in a purple leather jacket and tight leather pants, covered in enough blood that it was hard to tell how much of it was his own, was a young coati, couldn't be older than 25.
Qest Primal - Chapter 24: The Ones Who Will Win This Fight
A purple clad coati was quickly approaching. in his hand he held a large pipe wrench. "sorry i took long!" pocketknife shouted. "grabbed some stuff on way here!"
Introductory Anal Sex For Male Furs
As she watched, a female coatimundi picked up the riding crop and smartly rapped it on the skunk's ass. apparently she was displeased with all of his movement.
The Miyatsu File Chapter Seven -- On The Circuit
However, we found that the modified genome of coatis, surprisingly, 'fitted' better in the adersi gaps than any other related species of feline still alive today.
The Miyatsu File - Chapter Three - Biology 101
"sometimes i even miss the sound of the coatis squabbling!"
Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 14
The hostess was a lithe coati in a tight-fitting dress. "do you have a reservation?" she asked, looking me over. i yet again didn't fit in with my jeans, shirt and jacket. i stopped caring a while ago. "i'm with the cormoran party."
Add Insult to Injury: Ch.1
The coati is soon led to the exit, and once he gets out, i mutter, "fucker." diego turns to me and arches a brow while crossing his arms. "excuse me?"
Shadows of Elysium, Mechanics explanations
(acr) 11 ungulate: horse (int), deer (acr), bovine (str), goat (spr). 12 procyo: raccoon (spr), coati (acr), kinkajou (str), olingo (int). 13 aven: sparrow (acr), parrot (spr), bird of prey (str), crow (int). 14 reptile: lizard (acr), alligator (str),
The Amazonite Feathers
 â â then â€" after the longest of moments â€" they came to a shallow pool dotted by raindrops, and the quetzal bird flew high onto a nearby tree branch and called out, â€mother coati, there is one from the upper planes come to ask about the
Soi Brothas: Part 5 and 6 - A Plan for Obese People
"well, don't expect that shit from me," the wotter admonished, "hell, from what geri told me the day after that creepy sounding coatis, it was worth a hand job at most."