Tik Tik's Winter Tales 2

He collapses to his knees, his breath crystalizing before him. hurriedly, he fumbles in his cloak, pulling out a vial with but a drop of glowing orange liquid.

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Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 7

All four of them collapsed in their saddles, smoking and devoid of life. "light up that tree!" came a shout from the woman, as blue magical bolts struck all around infinity.

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Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 1 - Trapped in a Box (Prologue)

Rows of buildings, houses, apartments, offices, all of them either collapsed or collapsing, with only a few standing steady. the land was either burning or burnt, trees stripped of their leaves and their bark. there was no grass. no bushes.

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31'St century fantasy things part 1

"it was fine" i tried to reply as a long, drawn out yawn escaped my scaly muzzle while i tried to find my feet, it was futile however and i collapsed back onto my 'bed', covering my head with the pillow.

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Family Reunion

The criminal had collapsed over a familiar dragoness. sunset. the dragon opened it's eyes a sliver. they were lacyus'. "now do you believe me?" mira collapsed over him, hugging him tightly, tears running down her face.

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For Love of Wine and Song

Ancient tables still filled the space, some having collapsed from age and time, others gnawed upon.

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Utah Extreme: Chapter 1, Part 1

The chair came down upon the creature, hitting it on the head again...and again...and again until it collapsed onto the concrete floor... to be continued

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Should we not be able to prevent him from succeeding, we will immediately begin a chaotic pump into a void universe in order to extract our assets before collapsing the universe.

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Not Quite Punishment

Your body inflates, then collapses, inflates, collapses, each cycle draining your energy further, compressing you, shoving your form ever thinner and tinier.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 28 - The Last Embers

The chariot manor sagged one final time, and then collapsed. as the rear wall gave way, the whole manor collapsed and tumbled down the slope.

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The Sacrificial Room O-o

Slowly turning and advancing towards me, he began muttering incoherently before stabbing me in the chest and collapsing one of my lungs.

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