A History Lesson

His body was consuming them. he consumed their mass. he consumed their intellect. he consumed their futures.

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The Blossoming

_to lay down and rot, to consume and be consumed, the blossom. to rot. to consume. to be consumed.

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Spring '09 Vore Project: The Abduction of Audio

Unable to do much more but watch his body be consumed, little pieces at a time. he had to fight for every breath as his body was consumed, morsel by morsel. his head span as the pain and heat of each cut flooded his body.

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Dra-Kun... The Binds Broken

"one to consume the day, the other to consume the night" the voice spoke again "sköll to consume the sun..." he stopped as another finished the phrase.

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Slime Study: Eshere's Awakening 1

I need to take on a more solid form, and the only way to do that is to consume, and if i'm going to consume form tik tik, then she's going to like it more than i would care.

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Introductory Thaumaturgy Theory and Society

This was because they had harnessed the ley lines and other energy wells in their region to allow their warriors to consume one another in ritualistic feasts, but reform the consumed the following day, there by fueling their forces, without suffering the losses

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She was so utterly consumed and devastated by the horrors to which she had been subjected that she had no defences left. no capacity to restrain or control herself in any way. she was consumed by her fear. she was broken by it.

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Cerise's Transformation (With Art)

The final stage of her journey could transform...or consume her. the top of the temple was a simple clearing, smooth stone surrounded by a ring of torches lighting the night.

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Symbiotic Symptoms part 1

With successful tests that the x1 could indeed replicate, the next phase was to allow it to duplicate the material it consumed.

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Perennial Creeper Classifications

The host may be dead or alive at the time of infection, but all are eventually consumed as a source of energy that kills the hosts and destroys the body.

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Decadence Chapter Five: Dreams and Nightmares

She couldn't get herself awake, and the dream continued to consume her from the inside out.

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