
The voices that demanded, that screamed for your blood. i ignored them, i tried to ignore them.

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Chapter 21: Kissy Faces

Kayya demanded darkly. "ayni?" yeneneshe slowly lifted her eyes and glared at kayya. "i serve no god, _tinonki._" zeinara stiffened and kayya gasped angrily.

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, only sight for those claiming to see eyes closed, they walk, self-assured, whatever happens to them, they'll just demand to be free...

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Attitude Adjustment OR Shining Personality

You will wait." he demanded as he fished through his pants pockets, and pulled out his phone. "open your mouth." he demanded. she closed her eyes in shame and did it, revealing all of his seed pooled on her tongue and spilling onto the carpet with a sob.

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Sur les traces d'une vampire

Après quelques minutes, il finit par se décider et demande enfin si quelqu'un sait quelque chose à propos de ces vampires qui sévissent dans les environs.

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Knights- Yan li's story

The bandit demanded as the men dropped their weapons yan li demanded them to bring luna some cloths to cover her and his armor and sword as they complied yan li dragged the bandit, "you will lead us to the place you are taking the women" he said with

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Living With Two Horny Dragoness 2

"all we want is those two dragoness you have with you" electric dragon demanded the leader. "hell to the no...over my dead body" blaze shouted with a angry face. "well that could be arranged go get him boys" the leader demanded.

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The Beasts and Brave - Chapter 16

Balthazaar demanded with a confused glance. "yeah. your about to confront something that you've never experienced before, balthazaar.

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Il est temps de sortir

Il reste quelques temps comme ça, la vampire dans ses bras, et quand il estime qu'elle a eu le temps de se remettre, il lui demande simplement : -tu ne veux pas qu'on sorte de la douche ?

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The Beasts and Brave - Chapter 5

Is that why you demand help? because you cannot stand on your own?" aleksander demanded. this was going from bad to worse. i made to step forward, but kane stopped me. aleksander saw me move however and sneered over at me.

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Unsung Guardian

If you demand we come when you only think you need us but really only want us, and we come, then next time you will demand we come when you want, but do not feel you need us.

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Snow White and the Foxyote Dwarf

But even he was prepared for the dark task the queen demanded. "take the princess snow white out into the forest." the queen demanded. "and once you are alone with her, kill her.

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