Despair, my Dear

Agony, sweet and pure, only as i break, my heart for you, so destitute, and distraught in your wake. solitude, shy, and timid, you plea to be hid from all. you built up, around us both, a dark and lonesome wall.

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The Legend of Spyro: Survival of Warfang (CH1)

The mother distraught as they thought of what to do with the black egg in there paws. why did it have to be them? why did they get cursed with the dark egg this generation?

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Bai Leang - The Jade Warrior

He opened his eyes to see his son and daughter distraught clinging on to him. his saving graces were there hugging him back to reality. he sat up, grabbed them and cuddled them tight.

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Alone, not alone

She was distraught, and he couldn't calm her down. he talked to her friends and they said she had been cutting herself, and that she wouldn't talk to anyone. she wanted to talk to him, but she also didn't wan't to talk to him. so the cutting got worse.

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Death of a Beloved Friend.

distraught. i wanted to see a legend, but i didn't want this. this creature, this... thing, has just slaughtered my one true companion. now all that's left if the blooded up body, suspended in mid-air. broken neck, dead eyes.

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 6: Soul Burn

Confused and distraught, the purple dragon pulled away for a moment, looking into her eyes. something was off about her the second he looked closely.

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Light Bane: Chapter 33

Elyse did not seem to be someone who would be distraught after being called by someone. the only other reason why she would be distraught was because someone other than them were in trouble. or...something much closer to home distressed her.

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S1 Ep14 Homeworld problems pt1

Athena and her family are distraught by artemis going missing of course her parents more so than herself as she was just going to marry into the moonstone family.

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Just the way you are

There was no visible change from the distraught expression he had, not even leaning into his touch.

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The Shadows Book One: The War for EarthEnd - Chapter Two

The innkeeper repeated, now distraught as she saw what was going on outside. "i don't know miss, please get out of the building before you are crushed by catapults! now! move!" everyone lept out of their seats at once.

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The White Robe Chapter 15

When corbett sat down, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he looked across at the distraught family. "is that caitlin's sister there in that picture?" he asked.

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Chapter 39 The Child of Fire and Rage

"my sister was distraught. she wouldn't speak to me when i saw her last." etienne laughed dryly. "_she's_distraught? i'm the one who should be distraught.

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