Innocent 2

We arrived at the dracine embassy in good time and there was a tall black wolf standing in the doorway waiting for us, cardi.

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The Fall and Rise of Kairuna Chapter 1

Even in the twilight dawning hours, the embassy was in full motion, preparing for their next adventure into the wide realm of the imperials. thalmor, the name given to these aldmeri representatives were simply high- elves; altmer.

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"The Thin Line," Part MM

Within a few hours of arrival at sainted oaks, she had slipped out of the embassy and to a safe house not far away.

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Stripes and Chains 7 - Polotics

Indoril may meet with the senator on a bi-monthly basis but they were a near regular site out side of the rotunda or dragon embassy.

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Darkness and Starlight 10 - A Town of Thieves

I thought this was like the pianta syndicate, like an embassy of some sort?" "embassy?! whut kinda operation ya think we're runnin' pal?! why dontchoo-" "rocko."

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A Walk to Remember By

Could you show me the direction or help me get back to the embassy?

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Prince G nation: Chapter 5; Rescue

If their embassy was revealed to have helped in a plot to take the prince back to holy grace they would instantly fall out of the good graces of many of gaskland's allies. this would be quite fun.

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A Rift in the Leyline

Walking out of the horde embassy, the vulpera made his way over to the alliance's since they'd have to check him for anything suspicious.

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Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 4: An Astro Boy fiction.

" > > **10:45pm** > **day 5** > **embassy of the kingdom of saudi arabia** > **istanbul, turkey** > > > the guard at the main gate of the embassy compound saw the sedan coming down the street and turn towards his post.

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A meeting was to take place at the keidolifyan embassy, of course, between the president of audia, owen to be informal, and zi rui, the keidolifyan ambassador.

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The Voyage 11

Courtyard of the british embassy, the next day. russell watched as gunmetal gray colored sleek shuttle landed on the embassy grounds. turning his head, the human looked at the british shuttle that landed a few minutes ago.

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Chapter XI: Family Secrets

I had lived there at the embassy since i was fifteen, forever in fear of that one time i might slip up and let another male hurt me like that."

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