the Fantastic adventures of Doctor Erwin and IRIS (part 1)

From autumns frantic attempts to save me barely holding slabs for flayed flesh to my body, my entire left arm hold on only by staples. a metal rod from a wire hanger wrapper around and pierced through my neck to keep my head on my shoulders.. i looked like frankenstein


Watch Dogs 4- Be A Man In The Watch

"um, i have three questions, who are you, where am i and who was the old bastard who put me here" "now this is no time to raise your blood pressure" the doctor said "for your first question i'm the current holder of the barony of castle frankenstein, haven't

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 4

frankenstein along the way... (cut to the students poking and laughing at tranquility's fox ears and skunk tail.) you still have the same tacky garments, though! (suddenly grabs tranquility by the shirt, and tears it clean off.) tranquility: hey!

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Sounded like frankenstein? whatever. he said he could hear and feel her coming a mile away. ha ha ha, who cared. jerk. after she told him her problem, he told her that he could help. said he was good with potions.

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Kevin Foxboy 01

frankenstein's creatures!' fury, irrational since r3g1s weren't stitched-together corpses. the whole recom program almost fell apart. eventually medical needs resuscitated it with even more government interference 'for the good of the people'.


THIS IS HALLOWEEN ! .... or is it Christmas ?

Donald: i just want the candy as they step off the ship their clothes change sora was a vampire , donald was a mummy and goofy was a frankenstein . tsume was a witch , jake was the grim riper sora: hey this is halloween town right?

"Family Tails" - Chapter 14

" * * * [1] []( [2] wheest - irish slang meaning "shh, be quiet" [3] bitta fluff - irish slang meaning "an attractive young woman"

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All Hallows Eve Fun-Fair

My screams echoed those of the little frankenstein zombie puppy while above us all the balloon swelled with life and laughed and laughed and laughed...until i fell into blessed oblivion, the pain too much.

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Jon Mahon Christmas Special

D: so here i will establish a partial list of people who went to the party celebrities: barack obama (with his awesome t-shirt), osama bin laden, vegeta, hitler, anne frank, (oops) anne frankenstein classmates: josh, jared, sid space, karson, danny, tyler

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Kiwi-Flavored Zombie Piss

"on invisible synthesizer. . . brought back from the river of death by way of secret gypsy witchcraft. . . the inventor of alternating current and that cool-ass shockey tower thing you see in the backgrounds of every frankenstein movie. . .

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 36: Secrets

It seemed the squad had 'claimed' the frankenstein car. my crazy bundle of metal welds and ducktape. murphy frowned. "fine. just leave. now." i nodded and pulled a nervous wolf along behind me.

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Blood in the Moonlight 3

She recognized the frankenstein guy in the blue civic. angel grinned mischeiviously. "oh look devimon, more fans. maybe we should go and sign some autographs. what do you say?" "sounds lovely."

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