The General's Kid AU

Mike silently opened the door from the kitchen and stepped through on the balls of his feet while hearing soft country music echo off the concrete walls. Micah was in the corner, his shirt lying in a damp, sweaty heap near the weight bench, as he...

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The Academy - A General's Proposal

The general came back into the room. he waved us down before we could even react. somehow he knew a decision had been made.

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The Fox General: Reunited

"i understand your skepticism, general," laurent crossed his paws. "but my information is very reliable.

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General Appearance for Vangabond

He is a grey wolf with black eyes and hair that almost touches his neck, he wears black circular shaped glasses and a baseball like shirt with the main part of it being red, with the sleeves, collar and bottom trim of it being black. He wears black...


The Fox General: Salvia

#2 of the fox general having captured a member of the wolven alphate's royal family, marco arranges a meeting with a ransom broker to get a sense of what he's worth.

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The Fox General: Triumph

"i am general marco, liberator of pest, returning on the doge and the senate's orders, and i require passage on your ferry!" "oh! uh, my pardon, general, but we weren't informed of your arrival, you'll have to pay for..."

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Amandala: General Facts

. ------------------ general information about amandala: amandala is from nimbilia, africa on the skeleton coast and has only recently garnered a bit of control on the english language.

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The Fox General: Exile

"general marco..." "i'm not a general anymore." "general marco," laurent repeated, "general vito is anxiously awaiting your return so that we might liberate carpathia and then use it as our base of operations to overthrow the dictator."

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The Fox General: The Drylands

#10 of the fox general having found some comfort after the long escape from the island, marco now finds himself with sharp claws at his throat and with nowhere to run.

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The Fox General: Senatora

#15 of the fox general after a successful battle, marco has snatched an unexpected prize: senatora luce. but first he must find out just why she's here in north africa. not to mention unfinished business with getting inducted into the fennec's clan.

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The Fox General: Breach

#18 of the fox general the siege of tunis is coming to an end soon and the assault is nigh. marco's forces stand close to victory over the north african city and all its treasures within.

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