Tricked and taken...

"hahaha... oh i'd pay to see that!" the huge draft horse bodied centaur laughed, as he playfully stamp one enormous dinner plate sized hoof on the damp ground.

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First Sight: Friday

hahaha, what the fuck? hahaha." he lifted my body up over his shoulder. i flail my legs around for a second as i looked down at his tail and his big beefy butt cheeks move back and forth as they went up the stairs. "nope!

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Chapter 1: Kristen

hahaha. "you going to school?" " i really have a choice?" "hahaha, you really that bummed out about it?" "yep." "well, you need anything before i head inside?"

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Chapter 10 - Full Pollution's Fury

hahaha!" vulpa growls loud once more and leaps toward the beast.

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Kauto and MW Part 7b

'hahaha a bit, or as much as we could anyway haha.' mw winked at falcon signalling the events from this morning were sexy. 'how are the cars doing?'

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Fate, Destiny or strange luck (Episode 6 of 8. Time to say Goodbye) Reforged

" " hahaha..... i knew that you would say this. hahaha.... thanks, zoran. i will, but before i leave, i wanted you to know that if you ever need something...." "i will call you for help. i know. now go. i bet that they are already waiting for you."

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My life with blaziken chapter 2

#2 of my life with blaziken my life with blaziken chapter 2 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ -i'm back bitches, hahaha, i crack myself up.

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The Prince and the Dragon 7- Sparks

hahaha!" he starts but ends with boisterous laughter as my tendrils shot for his ticklish spots and began to writhe mercilessly. "hahaha! don't you question my magic powers mortal!

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The Sleepover- Chapter 1

Oh, and if you want, i found the keys to my dads bar hahaha!" tyko chickled as he sat on his bed.

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Kauto and MW Race 6

'hahaha well i've gotten used to your surprises i guess. anyway are you going to richmond airport, they have free travel around america in jets.' 'ok hunk, hang on.'

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City Sector Uplift part 2

"hahaha." as a fledgling, atlas had only recently started to grow out horns, and jarzyl had certainly noticed.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 79 - Take the plunge

'hahaha, yeah right!' 'no, i'm serious! i know i would! i'd rather have someone who's sweet, gentle and tender to have deep, meaningful conversations with...' blain passed the joint back to me after he took a puff...

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