The battle. (Pt 2)

hooray! the pokémon marathon continues, next on channel yiff. the next episode is sure to be exciting.

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Pokémon Journey (pt 1)

hooray! the pokémon marathon continues, next on channel yiff. the next episode is sure to be exciting.

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III. Two's a company

hooray for online phone registers, i guess. i took out my cell phone and dialed the number. my heart pounded in my chest as i waited for the elderly lady to answer my call. it took about half a minute before she finally picked up the phone.

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Gap Year: The First Time

#15 of gap year hooray, sex! i fumbled with the keys while jake held my waist and kissed the back of my neck tenderly. his hands rubbed my stomach and chest, and i finally got the door open. "can't you at least wait until we're in the room?"

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Patricia's Potion Shop: First Customer (Doe TF/TG)

(original description) it's the start of a new series and character, hooray! this wasn't the first time this was made though. those of who you took part in the potion shop rps may already know the lovely patricia and her shop of magic.

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What a Cub\'s Wet Dream Can Lead to

"hooray!" james squealed in delight and hopped onto jon's bed.

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Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Two

hooray!" cheered friendly and timothy, as art and biro hugged each other - as the best friends they really were. (end of chapter 2)

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Kevin Foxboy - Bedchains

hooray for usb flash drives. kevin foxboy - bedchains - 2009-0713.0001 i woke up slowly, saw the low morning sunlight. i lay with my eyes closed, enjoyed the softness as i lay on my back, and stretched.

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Astral High - Chapter 8

hooray for rising action! :p i raced in the front door, where my parents were calmly sitting down to eat dinner. "i'm so sorry i'm late, i just fell asleep and... you guys don't even care." [me] "i didn't even know you were gonna be coming home."

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Invention of the Week Special: Fan Mail Edition!

hooray for lazy edition of invention of the week because i had dates! it shall be called ask amelia! even if not everyone asked a question if they just left a comment on an installment. so, why don't we start with the comments?

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Inner Dilemma | Part 4

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* hooray! i finished part 4! don't worry, i'm not going to keep each part a new coming out story. now there's only one more person to tell (i think you know who).

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