Y Knot

hurr hurr, what a clever title. haven't written in a while. haven't had the time or the want really, but a friend of mine poked me into writing something that they wanted. it's short and cliche, but it was nice to write something again.

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Some Boar Time

"hurr, dere you are pa! were we playing hide n' seek?" the massive beast snorted, rolling around a hooved finger deep into his belly button before taking a sniff.

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He hurrred loudly as nina began bobbing her muzzle slowly over his hardon, then faster while her fist pumped his sheath.

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Stallion's Suitor: Zel's Story

Zel sighed, or meant to, but it came out more as the lusty hurr of a stallion. a smile came to linger on his lips, thinking of the stall's fine hands, and how they knew just where to touch, when, to send another stal plunging over the edge.


Strange Desires

His rumbling and hurrs soothed the glaceons rapidly firing nerves allowing her to work unhindered. finally she pushed back, pushing hard and felt his prick push against her final defense and break it.

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Outcast of Redwall: Behind the Bushes, part 3

"oi'm gurt glad the toime is foin'ly here, bo hurr!" said nilly in her odd mole accent. the hedgehog and mole then kissed passionately, nilly being careful of gurmil's spikes. abbess bryony wed both couples that day, and many creatures attended.

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Chapter Ten - On The Run! Again...

"hurr hurr." electra said as she grabbed the other one. i waited until everyone was holding onto me before i warped us. i had no idea where to go, so i just teleported to the parking lot, alongside our car. "good going genius."

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Remaking the herd chap 2

"hurr... hurr... hurry back my stud." hooves whimpers as she watches the goat go, trembling in need and dread...

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Jordans Loss...19

hurr hurr hurr..." jerome nickered as the big bull said that, it was obvious the big stallion understood exactly what he meant.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.07: Trial and Success - Ep02

"hurr, look at him go, little bro!" a male boar snorted as he watched the chameleon fidget about helplessly, standing next to the bull.

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Code Drop: Reception

"tess hurr." the monotreme froze, then glanced in the direction of her apartment. "didn't really figure you for her type." he gave erik his undivided suspicion. "no offense." "none taken. neither did she."

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Collecting on a lost bet

"that would be my friend hurr." rok gloated, as he began scooping up the mess of seed with the two jocks and stuffing them both back into hank's mouth.

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