Half-Blood Chapter XLV

jai asked in a sincere voice as he stepped away from him to give a small pawshake to ian. "i'm doing fine, how are you two?" he asked kindly. "you guys got off school also?" he asked.

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Et depuis ta naissance, jai toujours veillé discrètement sur toi ; mais le temps presse. cours vite au jardin. rassemble six souris, un rat, six lézards, et une citrouille. ne traîne pas, je te rejoins."

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Chapter XV: When a Wolf Cries

"sami jai black wolf." the name of his daughter. she was beautiful, deserving to be loved and living freely in her own way. the pain set into stone for a moment as he held rai and sami's tags together, it was a hard truth for him to swallow.

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Chapter 18: The Tide Began To Rise

Jillian stopped speaking when she seen the name: sami jai black wolf staring back at her. all at once her heart sunk deep inside her chest.

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Chapter Twelve (Angie)

jai is on the other side of the cabin, snoring like usual. "hey there, cutie," bruno says. "good morning," i say, "how'd you sleep?" "ok. you?" "just fine." he gives me a kiss. "that's nice to hear. what's the plan for today?" "not sure.

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Bad Karma Chapter 7

"you think he would have actually let you kill jai?" "just maybe.

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Sasha le caché ch 1

"charle la pokeball contient un héricendre jai pensé que sa pourrait te faire plaisir et je suis allé voir le professeur orme pour l'obtenir." bianca expliqua en rougissant un peu.

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Half-Blood Chapter LV

"wait a second, you say those who are gifted like jai have some magical ancestry?" erin asked. "so how exactly does the tahleno and gifted thing work exactly? aren't jai's parents both mundanes? where did he get his gift if neither is an ahtan?"

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Hot Nights Neon City - The Bond

Jillian sees sami jai, standing with a box in her hands. moving to the side jillian lets sami past her with the box. setting it on the floor sami speaks to jillian, "i brought some of my stuff over."

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Half-Blood Chapter XL

He had gotten very good at sensing things so how could jai sense something invisible when he couldn't? maybe he would ask him tomorrow? after he finally gave him his decision regarding making art for the school paper? that seemed fair.

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Se cacher et attendre

Ryan est attiré par ses yeux, deux ellipses noir jais sur fond jaune, qu'il ne peut s'empêcher de chercher du regard, comme hypnotisé.

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