Illian Mini-Series: Difference

I've been so caught up in the same worry eon and kia hold that i lost sight of time.'

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Life As It Is Ch.9

kia exclaimed, shooting an arrow that struck the quetzal in the shoulder. she glared at kia with fury, summoning her spear to her and about to take another shot until a ball of swirling light hit her and exploded.

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Alone in a Harsh World-Chapter 4

"well, anyways i went and talked with kia about getting miri a gift for our anniversary... "however i honestly don't know what to get her, kia." tirol said walking with his sister-in law down a path leading away from his home.


Life As It Is Ch.12

We shared some more teases and laughs before i thought of asking kia a question. "hey, kia, silnis' going to be all right until we find him...right?"

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Defiance and Obedience (Commission)

"kias, be gentle with my property," the black wolf said, with all the worry of a disappointed mother. he loosened, but did not let go, "your hand is worth more than her life, mistress northstar." "i know how much she's worth, kias.

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In the Unknown-Chapter 5

kia challenged her in a friendly manner to the point that he deducted that they were friends. "you should talk, kia. especially after that last mistake that you did."


Life As It Is Ch.7

kia squealed, clapping her hands lightly. i blushed at her comment and thought of what he was dreaming about that involved me in it. "do you think he likes silnis?" penelope joined in with kia. "he could! they would make a totally cute pairing though!"

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Illian: Remember

Keeping his pace steady and his heart calm, markus turned to kia and said "kia, where do you suppose the creatures of forgotten sorrows have gone?"

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Battle the Zzuragg part 6 ending

Privet dover: mia/ presumed kia report: armor was recovered by bata team. body has not been found details: under republic law a solders body must be recovered before death is deemed official.

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Illian: Silver and Gold

With the new experience, the two gave loud yelps of surprise, causing markus and kia to laugh.

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Life As It Is

"jace, kia, lance! hurry up! we don't have much time!" silnis called us over. following after jace and kia, i got the chance to see the other champions.

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