The Gambling Rules 1

I have other proposals for you," the pine marten said, leaning back. "perhaps we should introduce ourselves. i'm dimitri marten, the owner of this vessel."

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The marten's fuzzy body rose and fell with each breath, as outside was quiet save for the occasional rattle of windows in the wind.

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A Tale of Two Whirlwinds: Spring Is Here...

"the name's tomás," the marten spoke up. "tomás?" lashawn looked at the marten's dark green eyes in surprise. "i'm going to guess you're spanish." "yes indeed, señor," he replied.

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Jane wasn't having it, though, and kept her ring in place, firmly, despite the marten's struggles.

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I showed the flavour marten to one of sally's cameras. i knew the marten would be running on dregs from its prior connection to the store intelligence.

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New Adventures and a New Year

The marten and raccoon began making out above him, their strings of drool falling onto his back and butt.

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Two Preds, One Prey W.I.P.

-end- giraffe (cinnamon) videographer, brown flemish giant rabbit (cream cheese), deer mouse (isa) prey, pine marten (tiko) prey flemish giant and marten kiss with mouse in mouths, accidental swallow by pine marten, giraffe records swallowing

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Red stays up late

The marten leaned over the smaller squirrel's back and was panting in her ear.

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A Rose from the East - Part One

"hello aiden," the japanese marten said as she folded her paws on her desk, "what's going on?" "may i please use the washroom miss?" the young fox said so politely, the marten barely able to hold back her grin at just how cute he looked.

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Legacy Final Epilogue

There on the bed he saw the pine marten he searched for, the pine marten that loved him, and the pine marten that he would always love. the fluffy marten slept lying on his side, hugging a pillow casually while he slept.

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F--- You, Billy Joel

He asked davy about the movie, and the marten said that it was fine, and then waved excitedly at someone else across the room.


Hot Shot

Bright red splashed from the center of the marten's back, taking the enemy soldier out instantly.

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