Ch. 2

Maybe oro, maybe..._this_ was the ultimate drug she had been searching for. against her better judgement, she allowed her eyes to fall upon what made oro a male. somehow, she found herself one-upping her fear and arousal.

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Prayer and Demon 15.1 - Screams in the Night

"it's okay," the sha'khari whispered, nodding in tuli and oro's direction, "i think we're out of the woods." tuli looked over at them with a wink, running her fingers through the fur between oro's ears.

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Prayer and Demon 8 - Meeting the Wind

Sarahi closed the book and rolled onto her side, opening her arms to oro and nayeli without a word.

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Chapter 9 - The Dragon

oro and miro were medium-sized wolves with miro being slightly taller than his brother. they wore their signature colors with oro in a handsome yellow gold and miro in a dazzling set of blue. both silk, of course.

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Ghost in the Stones 1 - Ghost and Rabbit

oro sighed, rolling onto his back and staring at the blank ceiling of his mostly empty room.

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Prayer and Demon 9.5 - Sarahi's Mind-break

She was about to say something when oro groaned and tensed up... the sha'khari was not at all a fan of that sensation.

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Prayer and Demon 19 - Setting Out for Coras (EPILOG)

He asked, offering the long, cloth-wrapped bundle to oro, "just as i am sure that humble blade has served you well over the years, i am also sure this one will serve you better." oro snorted as he took the gift.

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Prayer and Demon 3 - Story Time

Besides, any justice they merited had been served the day oro arrived.

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Village of Demons

oro and the other servants screeched with evil laughter at the little tease.

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Chapter 14 - Alea Iacta Est

oro knew the cat's name. miro even stepped closer to his brother. i hoped oro knew to pretend like i wasn't here. he took mordecai's hand and shook it politely. "your reputation precedes you, mr. crossbell."

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