Possum Curse

Cute photos, though a little dark until the moon came out again, treating him to a view of pallid, desaturated trees and grass and possum. wonderful. night lens could do wonders with this, he hoped.

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Quietus: A Fairy Tale in Three Parts (1)

Bright sanguine blood dripped from the deep cuts in his chest and fell in widening spots within the pallid white of curtis' belly. the dog could feel pure fire burning with hateful rage in his chest.

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Family Ties: A Fire Inside

The man's pallid face was familiar, floating in the dark frame his black hair made. today the kohl makeup on his face was applied in a band that went from his left ear, across his eyes and to the other.

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If you Go Down To the Woods Today...

\* under kalen's dutiful attention and care, the man's fever broke two days later - but he remained pallid and shaking, and kalen wondered if anything could be done to save this stranger.

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Ice Cream At The Pier

Your eyes, beautifully pallid and sparkling blue, would always look at me with restrained emotions. i could see the words 'i love you' behind your gaze, though i never pressured you to say it. i didn't want to risk you running, panicking and fleeing.

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.4 - The Malicious Masquerade

The background mutter of conversation began to flare up again, and we were no longer the direct focus of so many hollow and pallid stares. that seemed to invigorate my sister a little, although it put my teeth on edge.

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Bandaged profoundly lay the gauze in voltaire's palms, he knew rightfully the fate that befell the second eldest, bridewell accordingly replaced the festering, blood-stained ones shrouding his pallid tiers.- -as for his apparel, a scarlet tie, a shrug plastered

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The Stall

The place was largely dark with some lights flashing overhead in time to the music, a few black lights shining down to make fur, clothing, and fluids shine with a pallid blue glow.

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An American Wereshark in Oxford

As if someone was stroking it too aggressively, his shaft ached and throbbed, and its color transitioned from its usual tone to a pallid white. the heat flared. "n-no way.

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Rictus Void: Chapter 2 – Disconnected State

It was then, only in an instant, that xal caught in the corner of his vision the blurred image of something monstrous, pallid and torn running by the window.

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Luna - Second Thoughts

The normally pallid skin was tinted a ruddy, reddish-grey with the gallons and gallons of blood that roared almost audibly through it.

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Herotica #6a - Force Of Will

He let out a pallid cry that only intensified when his hole finally surrendered to the wolf's knot, stretching around him and taking him fully inside. azure nearly howled as he came himself, spurting a rich load of his batter into caranox.

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