Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Two

The ride to the house that Jack owned took over an hour, since the clinic was located towards the center of the city and Jack lived in a gated community on the Southwestern edge of the city. As he drove Jack would occasionally tell me something of...

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Eight

Once we dropped Vivian and most of the things that we'd purchased while out shopping, and changed me into a clean and dry diaper, Jack headed for the nearby police precinct with a me dozing in my seat hugging my new Stripes close to my chest. It had...

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The Raiders

On a foggy spring morning, a businessman is gleaning through a mound of classifieds posted on the chilly, dirt-caked walls of the Cold Storage District, narrow eyes focused on numerous, bogus prints. Smaller Pokémon struggled to keep out of the range...

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Three Types of Shuman

My journey here has ended. The Shuman Examiner has had his way with me and soon the Overseers will take me away. Where? Probably to a different facility with new surroundings and new Overseers. It doesn't matter. I have been chosen, along with three...

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16th Star of Sorrow

Soft sobbing could be heard in the darkness of a small room, where the only source of illumination streamed through a window, the curtain slightly drawn to give a small glimpse of the darkening neighbourhood outside where the streetlights lit up one by...

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Prologue

Daren Ross shivered slightly as he listened to the judge tell his lawyer that he was a lost cause and was beyond saving, beyond defending. Daren had done many things over the years and they were finally catching up with him, but as far as he was...

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Five

It took me a few minutes to get a hold of my emotions and look up to Jack's face, I could see the concern for my well being in his eyes. "You okay kitten?" He asked softly as he reached out with one hand to gently shuffle the papers on the desk back...

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This is Me Challange...

The smell of my father, it was the smell of my father before i was born but to this day when i am with him, or when i think if him i smell that smell, that odor, that stench, that manifestation of particles that react with sensory cells in my nasal cavity provoking

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How does green look like?

Revix opened his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm alive" he said with a hint of a surprise. "Of course I am, why did I just say that?" he continued, with even more surprise in his voice, finding his original statement quite surprising. He could...

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter One

I yawned softly and opened my eyes trying to ignore the feelings that were still hammering at my soul like a hammer at a forge. My lawyer had brought up a lot of good points when he'd said that my life was a mess, but the truth was even worse than he'd...

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Four

"Where's my beer you little brat?" I shivered at that voice as my father rambled around the house looking for his beer. I tried to hide in my closet, the flimsy door of the closet offered little protection for me as I hid, trying not to cry. "Dad," I...

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Gold Rush, the Rush That's Greater

From him, "you were gets better," he exclaimed, which provoked another rich laugh from her.

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