Lover's Endless Rivalry Chapter 7
I had opted to take on a seviper hunt by myself, much like how you did but mine was purely for the thrill. i was wandering further from our usual spots to find some sevipers to take out but that's when i heard it.
Lover's Endless Rivalry Chapter 1
A seviper was laughing as it began chasing down one of the many fleeing zigzagoon who was able to use his special running habit to keep the seviper guessing with his unpredictable pattern.
Taking The Bait
Hakar remembered that - eshkai had been overpowered by a seviper, who had raped him rather than killing him.
Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 5
The seviper hissed. "very wise," seviper mentioned "i heard it from one story told to young." "not the ekans one..." thief begrudged sighed as the seviper lightly rolled his eyes. "yep, ekans and dedenne."
A Pokemon Short Story: Left Alone
They are a marshtomp, a torkoal, a zangoose, and a seviper, with my zangoose being the only female.
Chapter 2: A Shocking Revelation Part 1
I just said confidently as the seviper lunged at her, fangs bared, and mouth wide open. nodding, she dodged the attack as she charged a blue-purple sphere, a dragon pulse to be exact at the seviper.
Lover's Endless Rivalry Chapter 5
Literally for the zangoose but metaphorical for the seviper.
The Stone- Chapter 1
I soon saw the source of the voices; a small eevee and a furious seviper, hovering and swaying over the eevee viciously. the seviper looked angrily at the eevee, who was slowly backing away from it, obviously scared out of its wits.
A Stronger Shiny
He grabbed the seviper, digging his claws deep into the flesh then threw it at the two humans. blood leaked from the wounds of the seviper who barely even drew breath. "worthless pokemon!" "worthless?!", red called out.
seviper i choose you! seviper comes out of its pokeball ready for battle. seviper use tackle! jessie commanded. seviper did as told and delivered a hard hit to ash sending him fly off james...
A Queen's Knight
The seviper begins to gag a bit until the alakazam hit's the sevieper's back making the food go down. the young seviper gets full for being so small. they see the bulge in the middle of its body as the young seviper hisses loudly but happily.
Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 4
The seviper hissed and cackled. "yes, the knight encrusted of gold, silver, and purple! the very same seviper. how is my delicious snack today?" "d - don't... freak me out right now." seo's ear twitched as seviper had been about to go into it.