The Black Castle

The dungeons, torture, horrible experiments; perhaps being turned into some horrible thing to better serve the sisterhood?? some insane gibbering monstrosity??

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The Rite

Those of the sisterhood who possessed dicks often found it difficult to be around sisters in heat. but tonight was a special occasion, and i didn't need to worry about controlling my urges.

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Venom, Episode 7

Just by feeling it with my hands i can get a metal image of what it looks like, my sense of touch heightened by my ascension into the sisterhood. it's an intricate piece in the shape of a dragon in flight.

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"by the light of athena, the sisterhood prevails!" vivi shouted angrily, and a holy blast of light came crashing the roof and burning it to holy cinders, that shaped themselves like effigies of all minoan priestesses of the glorious atlantean past.

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Barnyard Sorority

You pass, and you're one of our sisterhood. if not well..." nicole let that hang in the air, shooting a knowing look at ashley. it seemed she was getting into this as much as ashley was! "if not, then what?"

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Lost to the Tribe

Solemn vows of sisterhood be damned, she had an itch that needed to be scratched and the only way she had been able to get that was in the city, though, it had been a long time since she had thought of such things.

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Nissandra - A Change of Heart

The simple robes of amara's sisterhood did little to hide rhona's ample curves and she stood, hands clasped in front of her as she spoke.

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Blood Rose-6

"i'm not a part of the sisterhood silly." she sighed inwardly as cassie emerged. playing did that to her. micha would probably reemerge within the hour but as of then, cassandra ruled. "they just took care of me when i had to run away.

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King Takes All - Part 4

He needed to know these chinks in the lioness sisterhood in order to rule efficiently and if the adult lionesses were not going to be willing to obey him, he could always rely on these cubs... in time.

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A Painful Challenge

Every girl in the kickball sisterhood's about to see you get kicked in the nuts." sally turned away again, grinning to herself. "challenge completed."

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The dragon rider's Pt 3

"hi draco, veronica has spoken to the others of the sisterhood." "draco's a little busy at this moment." salbar interrupted.i sighed. "that's not bad is it?" "javid, draco and seriphe are in a triangle.

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Fifty Shades of Tan: Into the Arms of the Coven

Stefania smiled at me, and in a soft voice said, "welcome to the sisterhood, leilani perierre."

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