Tales of Jasper VI

The next video was on sex predators, rape, and statutory rape. jasper was shocked by the video, finding that what his mother was doing was illegal, and that she was probably not all that trustworthy of a person to talk to about his problems.

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Sibirskaia: Your Local Twelve O'Clock News Part 4

A mugshot, as the reporter continued: "a coach and teacher at brooksboro middle school, has been arrested and charged on nine counts of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, statutory rape, kidnapping, child abuse, and child molestation.

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Sibirskaia XXX

But being party to statutory rape was a step too far! he had to stop this. he had to get out of here and leave them to do this on their own. he moved to stand up, but kristoff's paws on his thighs held him down.

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Grayson 1

This leaves me with no excuses other than the damnable statutory rape laws of the common law, which i and so many other species would still consider crap, but it also gives me a comfortable "out" (the puns are unceasing today).

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Project: Phoenix (Neon City, Book 3), Chapter Four

"more than you'd want to avoid doing time for statutory rape?" _goddamn it. it'll take a can of thermite to get this out of my head now._ "look who's talking." enrique grinned. "i never would've pegged you for the cougar type."

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He was definitely a pro, he had lasted well more than the statutory eight seconds, though i was never going to try to buck him off.

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Tail-Play in Lane 17

He couldn't believe how close he'd come to statutory rape at furry fitness gym. leilani ducked down and crossed the lane divider to join him. "you really should not try to keep up with me underwater. one of the reasons i was hired at this gym.

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Harbinger, Chapter 6

You could totally nail him for statutory rape, then." "eh, what would be the point? it was sixteen years ago. besides, i got the best son in the world out of it, so i'd say things worked out for the best." she grinned.

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Teaser: The After-party

I struggled, hard, but the ropes held me tight. If only I hadn't fallen into this safety net. Sure, it had protected me from a hard impact with the floor, but the way I'd landed had trapped me! I was on my back, dangling about a foot...

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Pup Playhouse

I didn't get another chance to play with Dalia for a few days. Gwen was around, and I couldn't exactly offer to stop playing with Daryl to bathe his three-year-old sister while her paid caretaker was around. In fact, my next chance required a bit of...

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Taking One For the Team

He couldn't just ignore her - that was rape, and not just the statutory kind! after all, she was craig's girl, and this was breaking the first rule of "wingman".

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The Milking Farm-Chapter 1-Prison Time

statutory rape, according to his lawyer, should have been a slap on the wrist, not prison time. either the judge had been a lot angrier about it than she should have been when she handed down sentencing, or she agreed with him. a milking farm?

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