The Sudden Lord

Not able to help himself, the enraptured human licked out with his tongue, slipping across smooth scales and taut warm skin.

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Tainted Temptation

Your mind is stretched taut, unable to deal with the pleasure and the pain . . . you can't get away, the only way is to . . . to . . .

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Improbable Pumps

The base of the animal member throbbed as it pushed further out of his sheath, taut throbbing red stretching the white fur of the pliant covering.

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Sabrina's Werewolf Fantasy (Futa)

Her pink nipples thrust out into hard, thick cones, and her breasts immediately puffed up, growing furiously taut.

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Filled Up

He could feel the seams on his shirt starting to become taut, feeling just what drew had meant by his not needing a shirt well before the clothing burst off his frame.

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My Foxy Toy

His finger slowly presses into your taut vulpine ass, wriggling around as gropes at your crotch and coos. "now just imagine all of this sensitivity, but in your foxy little insides_._ there we go.

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Friend Roleplays: Squalor and I #2

Aro: \*i gasp and hump slightly as your cock begins tightening around my own, my huge dick making your length taut, then tight, almost to the point of busting through your prostate.

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The Birds, The Falls, and The Feline Conversion

Soon the leopard's length was fully unveiled, and it was mercilessly teased and lashed until the fuzzy balls below it began to churn in their taut sack.

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Within Josh

Josh moaned softly as the smirking bovine slowly forced his thick finger up that taut hole. "baby." josh added belatedly, as his taut pucker began to squeeze and milk that invading finger.

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The Basement

Each mound had two coils of rope wound around its base, and _tight_ too, her yellow hide pulled taut and nipples stiff--though that might have been the cool air of the basement.

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Dog Tags

When the finger bumped against his swollen knot the man yipped at the intense sensation, making his master grin as his hips still bucked rhythmically into his taut, clenching ass.

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Halloween Gift (snuff)

His eyes are wide, his tongue pushed from lips by the taut compression of the rope. and his cute round ass was swinging back and forth before my sight.

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