Dogs of War - Chapter 11 - The Webs We Weave

When the pyres had burned down to ash he gathered up their weapons to return to their fathers and made off in the direction of the nearest hunters-keep at low tempus.

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I, Dacien -- Chapter 16 -- Disorientation

"an accident that a grandmaster has failed to instruct his so-called student in the ethics of tempus?" iudas said. "unlikely." "everyone makes mistakes," dellios said.

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The Original Species: Preface

. - **atheos ferox** - a guard captain, he is a lupus war general who had recently moved from noctis to tempus due to relocation and militaristic demand.

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 15

Rin, riyada, this gentleman is mortimer tempus a mage of impressive intellect and not too small skill." mortimer grins and gives a little bow at the waist, tipping his hat. "good evening to you and thank you for the flattery alex." i grin at him.

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Terms of Service - Chapter 1

"ad tempus per arcum, ultra luminis oras, ego vocabo in frigore, et mittam in glaciem!" as nido spoke a breeze coiled about his ankles. frigid air blasted through his fur and tugged at his clothing. the chalk lines on the ground started to glow.

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I Dacien - Chapter 06 - Desolation

"he's tempus instructor for the lord of bones." "ah," said the gray minotaur with a hint of distaste. "yes. that's why i brought dapple," and turned back to the yellowed paper. "so why is he instructing humans?" lord fog looked up. "what?"

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The Fanged Spirit- An Anthro Sabertooth TF

"dente dente dente tempus." the words flowed out of him like molten from a forge; it was a powerful feeling, speaking incomprehensible latin to those that might be watching. the darkness fell down again, breathing, watching, waiting.

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Part 1 - Bad Day

"i have never heard of tempus being...changed like that. how, human, did you turn it against us?" almar said nothing. he couldn't imagine what to say. he understood the words - well, most of them - but they made no sense at all.

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Lost and Found

"well," said vesilia, turning her head around and pointing back from where they came from, "the city of tempus is about half a day's walk from here--" "then we'll go there," claybrook said immediately.

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I Dacien - Chapter 4 - Symphony

There are a number of armsmasters and tempus masters who give lessons, you can get whatever sort of training you want there," sasha said.

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Green is in the Holly

"friends and family with the exchange of the rings i can present to you for the first time mr, and mr twinstar, what gaia has planted let no one harvest beyond her or her own gardening tempus, blessed be."

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Cold Blood 9: KNIFE-EDGE

They are so fast that ... even crossbow quarrels may be avoided in tempus, but not these. they burst through the flesh, and then inside, as they slow, the wound becomes bigger.

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