Chapter 6

"morith, theres only three to guess from" hades says, and starts ticking them off, "cynthia, theras, tharem" "all girls. of course you'd remember them" morith jokes "possibly more than their names too."

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 3, The Imperial Palace Ch 6

Monedula offered calmly, "though i'm certain she wants to if you and your friends don't concede." the archers drew their bowstrings taut, arrows aimed at thera, "and you may want to decide soon... bowmen can only hold at the ready for so long and we wouldn't

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Metamorphic Force Part 2

These guardians serviced the great goddess thera, but even she couldn't stop the next set of events, the start of the downward spiral that would breed difficulty into an already hard situation.

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Fireteam 404th, Wednesday 24th October ( Chapter seven)

Also so you know the 538th will be taking over the operation on thera." "the 538th, they're sending in the 538th, i didn't know it was that big an op."

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Pre-Milestone 2

Yearl spoke, fatigue evident in his voice, "we cannot allow thera to come to harm... but all of us dying won't help her." "we have many options." kell pointed out, "surely we can find one."

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The Island of Devils Rain: The Beach

thera, you have anything to say?" "permission to stay aboard and help with the welds to the waterline, mr.

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Expected Deliveries

"brynn theras? he's in his office, probably doing some study on inter-district law." she offered. "what about... the bear?" "clovas. he'd be in the security office, watching the camera feeds." "hmm..."

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Path of Destiny pt. 1

The human mages warred against each other and in their foolishness they brought the volcano thera to life." "if all the mages were destroyed by thera, then how can kurok and cypriana be a threat?"

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 5.3 Myrh

For this week's vote, contributing readers may select one of the following options: 1) thera has an intimate discussion with kell, who reveals far more than he ever thought he could. 2) ryan farstrider falls into a romantic interlude

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 3, The Imperial Palace Ch 7

"tolen... when i give the signal i want you to have allin bring thera to safety... then you need to--" "i accept."

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The Garif 5 - Bonds

Properly dressed, he sat in front of kayamu, who placed the thera by his side and spread his legs to accommodate the hume, trenn's back against the garif's belly and chest.

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The Garif - Refuge

The thera and the loppan." "i know what is a loppan!" trenn shouted, happy. "like strings for us, not that different from a zither. i saw a man playing this in a port of archadia, and never thought it could be an instrument from this far!

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