Whatever Gods Exist

Candy bit her lower lip as the elevator descended to the planet's surface. The opossum tapped her foot, still hoping there had been some mistake. She couldn't live with herself if there hadn't been. Her mind went back to when she'd last seen her...

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Playin' Games

Ah, Sayen, I love this side view as you prepare your pitch. Boob hanging down. Seen a bit of wear, but I think its lovely like that. And the pitch. In which you twist and throw up your tail and give me a nice view of your rear. Mmm, yes. Strike two,...

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The Law of Livestone

Samuel Nevrus stepped from the white tile onto the old-looking wooden boardwalk. He looked back and watched the white linoleum disappear behind the grey wooden facade. He turned and stepped out onto the dirt road. The desert air cooled quickly as...

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The Flea and Tick Treatment

Itzel squeezed out the last bit of treatment from the bottle into the already foaming tub recessed into the floor of the cabin. The door opened and shut. The oncilla turned to see Adou, a red panda male, leaning against the door. "I didn't think...

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The Cemetery of Livestone

The amusement park Westland on the planet Livestone held itself a soveriegn state amongst the nations of the galaxy. The amusement parks was classified an oligarchy by the various intellegence agencies that actually bothered to classify the place. They...

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Dragon's Eyes

The lights of the metropolis that was Lyre City reflected off the clouds above. Many miles away in a cave in a hill the green dragoness Liz surveyed that glow. She picked her teeth with her claws. The citizens there abhorred her kind. To them, dragons...

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The Board of the Bank

Itu had one arm wrapped around Sayen's shoulders, the other holding her paw. They stepped up another stair. "I knew we should never have done that," the raccoon cried. She stopped and looked up at her husband, "I can't face them, please, let's just go...

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The Twelfth Fairway

Katlego could vomit. His parents were giggling. Giggling!. They didn't even care. How could they not care. They've embarrased themselves, the club, him. They've jeopardized his future. And all for what? "I'm going to have to have you both expelled...

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Feeding the Ducks

Itu gazed out over the small lagoon in the center of the park. His wife sat next to him tossing food out of a bag for a few ducks at her feet. "What are you thinking about?" Sayen asked him. "Sex." The old coon's eyes widened. She couldn't...

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The Guests of Livestone

"That was awesome!" Lapas giggled as she stumbled down the stairs. "Let's ride it again!" Alice grinned wildly as she fell against her friend. "Oof, ha ha!" The cheetah glanced back at the Dust Devil roller coaster. "Nah, I want to ride the...

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Mall Trip

Two nice teenagers held the door for Paisley as she pushed the stroller through. "Thank you," the margay said to each as she passed. Douglas stirred with a slight cry as they entered the mall. "Oh, what's the matter, dear?" Paisley cooed, but Doiglas...

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The Doctor of Livestone

Why? Doctor Nevrus asked himself as he watched the O.R. doors. "Here she comes," Jackson shouted. The slammed opened. Four furs entered carrying a vixen on a makeshift stretcher consisting of canvas stretched between two boards. "Get her on...

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