The Elder Scrolls V : Chapter 5

Beside him was a whiterun guard, dressed in the traditional garb of all the whiterun forces. carrying a shield with the horse head sigils' covering the front.

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GD: Skyrim Part XVI

She wanted me in whiterun to destroy a rival meadery. i still had to return that dragonstone in whiterun so i could take of it then. i asked brynjolf if he could look into gunmar for me and he mentioned meeting the man.

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The path Less Traveled, Part 4

"a whopping three thousand septims to the lucky man who brings the jarl of whiterun my head." "three thousand?" raylus breathed the words, and brekish nodded.

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The Mysterious Ring

I had other tasks to attend to and other places to see, namely one of them being the nearby hold of whiterun.

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Weeping in Whiterun

And if you simply want to get to know me, my writing, or my characters more, take a look at my tumblr at weeping in whiterun for bloodgod245 by draconicon night in whiterun brought a number of changes to the city

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The Road to Whiterun

"are you looking forward to seeing what whiterun looks like in the summer?" he bore an obnoxious grin on his face. finding her companion silent for the past few minutes, the khajiit abruptly spoke up. "kara does not hope we stay in whiterun for long."

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GD: Skyrim Part XX

Thankfully he passed through whiterun. the locals let it slip that he was heading north to dragon bridge. the greybeards could wait. at first light, we were heading north.

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Sabhira's Daughter #10

The guards here in whiterun seem to be quite fit. their endurance is admirable." - muz-ra (under her breath) "apparently so are the bards." - udaran !

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The Quest for the Holy Dildo #20

| _author's note: i was going to make this a 1/2 and 1/2 post with half the action at high hrothgar and then the wedding begins at whiterun. but the whiterun setup is taking a long time and decided instead to get a short post out.

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Sabhira's Daughter #32

The main path from markarth to whiterun goes north of the lake. though your hospitality is appreciated, i think we're all getting a bit tired of the road life. probably not." | [!

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5) The Gildergreen

; thankfully, the return to whiterun wasn't eventful.

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