Chapter 16

"well you've come to the right place, i assume you wont be killing around the bay, right?

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Two of a Kind 3

"don't worry, you wont want to see." i replied as i jumped into the hole, landing stiff on the ground, i didn't bother putting the lid back on to allow light flow over me. "i promise i wont hurt you." "i cant say the same for you."

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Shout i wont be mad or on my own, i want to tell you i still have my phone life has been difficult as you have seen my head hurts looking at the computer screen i love you so much as much i can please will you be my darling man?

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Internet love

His wife say that but sad she wont get over him.

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Entry 31

Curiosity's a bitch, but at least tis time i wont be alone in dealing with whatever we find.

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Friends ike These Chapter 2 - Ripples In The Water

Naomi finally chimed in y tryingide the fact she knew "well i guess it wont hurt. shemoni's got an appointment wiht kenji today so ya i'm free." 'i hope tou iknow what you are doing z i really do.' thoughts swirled in naomis head.

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The cat without a home (Part 4)

Oh well, i guess it doesnt hurt so i wont worry about it.

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Goldenmane Chapter VIII: You Wont Even Notice the Product Placement

Agent Stud Colt slipped into the small nondescript dry cleaners off Fritz-Elsas Strasse. The bored looking badger on the counter didn't even look up from his copy of Bild as the bulky equine made his way behind the counter and into the cluttered...

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Tramps and Ladys Relationship

But hey, i wont tell if you wont ;). that being said, enjoy this story as you will ;), be sure to fave and subscribe, depending on the traction this story gets, i might write a next part.

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A Old Bloodline Dying Out

Let my family fade away my anseters will not fade my entire family has fought for our surival and ill do the same though my world grows darker ill wont let the light in my go out if i do then my family is doomed my grandmother is in denial of our familys

Journey to another world ch23-24

That lady wont hurt you any more. i promise." she looked up at me and gave me a sad smile. "i promise rena, i wont leave you alone like that again. now how about all of us go and get some sleep." rena nodded to me then i looked over at jenavee.

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