after the wars end the project went quiet. in more recent months' claims have been made that a herd of "creatures" had been seen spilling from the gates of a supposedly abandoned abwa base in the silver plains.

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Moment of Valor

He could hear the others talking about taking trophies and what their gonna do when they go home after the war. a thought of what he might do as well runs through his mind. a soft rumble brings him back to attention and the bay doors open.

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after the war, canada goes through more. in korea, we lose over five hundred. peacekeepers the world over walk through deadly streets, and hope they don't end up dead. in afghanistan, many go, and many don't come back.

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Starting Anew - Chapter 1

There's only one more thing she could possibly hope for, but that wasn't something she looked out for much, considering all that had happened, all that had been learned after the war had ended.

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The Awakening of The Super Genetic Soldier Fox

I hope to see you again after the war." max nodded as he took the knife. next was jensen. "i could say the same to you of what draco said! we'll have to meet up again someday! if you ever need us, we'll always be by you. cheering you on!

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Terrenea: Descension War - Prologue

I guess taking chemistry in med school had its benefits after the war began. all in all, i think we have a pretty well rounded team. i just hope my supposed leadership skills live up to expectations.


Corporal Tanis' Journal, Day 2 of the Siberian Wars, "The First of Billions"

Orders that would take us half-across the galaxy to a planet that no one would ever see again after the war...

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Helastar's Biography (Spoilers)

She was laid on arranos (the former home of the arianok dragons), but had to be transferred to tush7 (turner shuttle 7) after the war started. she hatched on the escape pod, moments after tush7 was destroyed.

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Prologue - Let's Set The Scene

**gommorah- ** a city left in shambles after the war that eventually became a lawless safe-haven for criminals and all sorts of sleezy types.

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Dragons Lair pt 20

Then after the war, the dragons were no longer wanted. we need to know, earth history is a rather untouched territory." "but still. you can't expect them to hand over one of the most important pieces of us history to 2 alien reptiles." "i'm not.

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Valkyrie - The History of the Altia Galaxy - Part 1 - The Atlantian Age

The dark collective immediately begin to die off without the "goddess of the orichalcum" to sustain them. 180 â€" the end of the atlantian age â€" odin realises that their are only twenty asgard left in existence after the war and assigns a group of trusted

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Adventures of Ernie Ascodel (part 1)

after the war was won and the army disbanded, the various dark creatures in the world forced into their corner (stupid soldiers!)

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