Miyuki's First Contact

It had not been...pleasant...to finally wrest full mental control from the thing and to devour its mind and free her own in the process, having gained more and more control over it since it was injured by a ship crashing into it on an alien planet, the very

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A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 2

Terry's first adventure in a new alien planet. terry's eyes were wide as could be as he looked out towards a small village of buildings no higher than two to three stories and made out of stone with thatching roofs.

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Second Chance

Once the explorers had been brought back the united nations wasted no time in making treaty with the new alien planet.

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chapter nine

The past be a fantasy inn , in the future it be a space station bar or or a alien planet bar so any have fun with this .

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Hypnovember 2023 - Harvest, Pollen, Viscuous

They looked like the sort of plant you'd see in a thick, dangerous, undiscovered jungle, or on some alien planet.

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Garden of Unearthly Delights

Still, the prospect of taking her first step on an alien planet was more daunting than she'd counted on. boris, of course, saw her hesitation and took advantage of it. "jelena," he said, "just come back up to the ship.

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Well, One Thing Is Still Working

But they're alone on an alien planet with no supplies and no way home. soon they'll find out why the sirius was attacked. comments and critiques are welcome.

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The Swords that Bind- Part 4 The Quest for Knowledge

The alien planet was hot, stiflingly so. a wave of heat washed over us through the slowly increasing gap, and samis pulled his hood up, the disillusionment suddenly making him appear the same as when we had first met.

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Smuggling Parasites, Chapter 2

I try persuading, half out of genuine interest for the alien planet, half for trying to figure out how to deal with this thing between my legs. "oh sure. just run some routine diagnostics real quick then be at ease."

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Raspberry Line Chapter 7 - The Angry Tiger's Den

Maybe he was a secret agent from an alien planet... but he did have stuff a not-alien boy might have. she swept the walls from the door to his supposed bedroom.

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Zero Point: Chapter 9- Deja Vu

The old .45 had been transported to an alien planet, and had saved not only his life, but the life of an alien being he had grown to consider a comrade. now... the pistol was going to speak once more before he was snuffed out.

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Untitled Rough Draft, Part 2

"we've got a mystery to dig into, possibly some exploration of an alien planet, and a spooky ship to board." "perfect." kolya opened the nearest hatch and took a quick look around.

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