The Hottest Day. By Archangel Vulpine.

The rear was almost non-existent: two straps linked the waistband to the front fabric, framing the rabbit's buttocks. lysander was still for a moment, then he shot towards the bedroom.

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He sighed leaned back, and reached over to pat the bunny butt.. in a flash the shorts were down and his hand rubbed the naked fur as it wriggled under his paw.

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Claude's First Academy Punishment

He continued to push and work his knot into the rabbit's ass. his knot was fully swollen and nearly three inches in diameter now.

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Bunny Beta Testing

"and how could anyone resist that wonderful bunny butt?" "i know i can't," master tigre replied. slut bun felt the tiger's paws spread his cheeks wide, exposing his tail hole.

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heat 6

Eric became lost in the sensations sounding his cock, the world melted away and consisted of nothing but ten inches of warm bunny rear.

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Trapped heat

He felt the rabbit behind him shoot his load into his used rear. the human barely noticed the rabbit behind him leave and paid no attention to the cum dripping out of his rear and down his thighs.

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An itch gets scratched

He lowers his head to the rabbit's rump and licks at the gapping whole enjoying the taste of cum, lube and rabbit ass. he licks the rabbit clean feeling his cock coming back to life and mounts him all over again.

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Under the light of a full moon

Thor says grabbing the rabbit's ass cheeks and pulls apart. he runs his long thick tongue along the channel between the plump orbs making the rabbit shake as pleasure radiates from his tailhole.

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Weekly #1: Images

After a long, lingering moment, the tiger broke the kiss with a smile and tapped the rabbit's butt gently with a paw.

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An Ass-tonishing Butt-rayal

Sadly, vic wasn't going to be buried balls-deep in bunny butt for much longer. "hey!!" barked candy, even more insulted than before.

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The Raised Tails

I see now why this place is called "the raised tails" he said and chuckled, squeezing the bunny butt some more while murring a bit.

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Newly Outed Gay Guys Are All the Rage

His hips jerked and humped quickly against reese as he came, himself, flooding the rabbit's ass with tiger jizz. his balls pumped it into the rabbit bent over the bench.

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