Carry Me On

"at least i haven't, no, but maybe i don't read the local papers so closely," i said, "i remember those few cases from back when we nunn...and...what was the name of that drag queen he was with when they were beaten up?"

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Hoppy And Dart in... "A Night On the Town"

As much as they loved causing a good scene, both frogs were genuinely pleased by the staff's complete sense of ease at having two showy drag queens like them dining in their establishment.

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Stand Up And Fight!

His attempts at cheering me up with a faggot party where he swished around like a goddamn drag queen around those old queers were just about as successful as my attempt to get into his pants, and his brother, too...obviously too much into that lion of his

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MD Orc Tribe Chapter 1: Stop poking me!

The tv was playing a rerun of some drag queen competition. nobody in the bar was paying any attention though. it was late and only the regulars remained.

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Edge Walking. Chap 7: The Lowdown

drag queen. he can be an absolute drama queen, and he's very uptight and egocentric." "kinda guy who thinks he poops out rose petals, huh," jamie said, indicating he knew the type. carwyn's eyebrows raised slowly, as did a slinky smile.

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Through Dobie's Eyes - Hockey Hunk Fan Fiction!

queen", which made cobb flitch a little, but others like "play with your prostate" seemed interesting, he had always wondered why victor liked doing it in the butt so much.

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I know a guy, with some advice from yours truly he went on to be a drag queen who hosts for a different nightclub." pacer chuckled as he nibbled on the olive that came with his drink.

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Volume 2, Part 3

We both sat in silence for a minute, reading posts, before justin spoke up about a drag queen we both follow, a very talented fox named willum. she was very outspoken about issues plaguing our country, and about lgbt issues as well.

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Chapter 1 of forged bonds.

It wasn't a high-end place, nor were the drag queens, but it was a fun show worth the laughs. the smell of the incense overwhelmed the group as they walked in, causing nikki's eyes to water a bit.

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Why Did The Chicken Cross? (Commission)

While not one against drag queens, she would admit that the mix of lights and shadows made it difficult to tell who was who before one spoke up, and she had no interest in flirting with anyone tucking.

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A Jewel in the Ruff Chapter 10

The ocelot drag queen she had for a manager had a habit of playfully poking everyone's buttons, but alex learned quickly how to tune it out. then how to play along, "is that how you lost all of your requests?"

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Chapter 5: Molly's Fetish

I looked like the worst drag queen of all time. my arms rippled with muscle, and i smelled like a week on the road. the couple of puffs of the perfume molly used wasn't enough to cover up my smell.

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