Observation of The Fantastic Creation - Thursday Prompt Story [#2, 12/1/23]

"you certainly were not there for a 'final goodbye'". "that... is true." i replied shakily, realizing that i simply had to admit it. the only reason i was even there was to see if i could save any memory of-- "it is okay, uthurunku."

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Thirty Three

I closed my eyes, whispered a final goodbye, and released the magic. light as bright as a thousand suns pierced my eyelids. the ground shook beneath me like a living thing.

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Chapter 4: Blood bond

"so when i finally woke up i was surrounded by my mother, all i remember seeing though was yellow and white, anyway i heard her wisper to me before she said her final goodbye, 'zack, i want you to know that while i didn't birth you, i consider you one of my

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Little Star Chapter 3

Luna said a few words to the crowd before she and twilight said their final goodbyes.

Armor Tesing

After all that was done, we bid them a final goodbye and boarded the train. the wheels creaked and the train jerked as it started moving into the night.

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The Night's Muse

She offered the crowd a painted on smile as she sang her final song, a ballad about lost love, and then said her final goodbye for the night.

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Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Betrayal

I stepped out of the shed, all clean, awake and ready for another day, as i exited the front door, saying my final goodbyes to matt, tom was standing impatiently outside, resting upon a wooden fence. "what the fuck took you so long?"

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Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Beginning

I hugged my mother a final goodbye, and set off down the wooden jetty. the sound of cheering stopped me half way to the small boat. i turned around to see the whole town standing around the base of the jetty.

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Born Anew: Chapter 2

With a nod naraki took the pack and gave him mom a hug before saying thank you and dashing out the door, giving one final goodbye before starting his walk to inari's.

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Believe – Chapter 25: Conclusion

Imya watched her and deep in her heart she knew that this was the final goodbye to red, liam and odin. "goodbye. thank you for everything. it was nice to have you as fr..." imya turned back but the hill was empty.

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Sibirskaia Chapter 27 (Teaser)

Elliot wasn't even in school yet, when kris and stephen said their final goodbye.  in the decade since, they hadn't spoken a word to one another: not even as the internet had bloomed up around them, offering countless clandestine avenues.  

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We walked quietly out of the palace and catherine gave me one final goodbye when we parted. i stood on those steps for a while, looking out upon the night sky. how the stars twirled and danced.
