The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 11 - Obligatory Lucario Sex Scene

The fire pokemon fell to the side, out cold. the battle was over before it had even really begun. the digimon couldn't help but smirk, absent-mindedly tossing another rock up and down. "because i am _that good_."

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Persuading the Arcanine

You could feel the intense heat of the fire pokemon's belly against your head and quickly radiating throughout the rest of your body.

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Pokemon - Purification Through Love! (Rui)

It was the fire pokemon that wes had "snagged" back in phenac city. the pokemon had black fur on its back, with red spots up and down where spouts of fire would fly out when it attacked. the remainder of its body was a tan color.

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[c] Partners, ch 1

On seeing that the aggron was receptive, the fire pokemon pushed her rear even higher, her voice keening in a sound that was half whine, half growl.

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Uncatchable: Cinderace

Being under the fire pokemon like this was humiliating for trevor, he couldn't believe he was getting dominated by a wild pokemon in such a way.

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Capture My Heart

The two fire pokemon kept at it, their bodies getting hotter and hotter, until they collapsed next to each other panting and sweating, still licking each other as often as possible.

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Dinner with the Eevee Family Commission for Nicobay

Nalini opened her eyes to look up at the vaporeon, but instead caught the fire pokemon's gaze. flamey winked at her, and they both knew what to do.

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A trainer's Story [29]

Needless to say, all fire pokemon were confused by that order, but jake's expression let them know that no further explanations would be given, so they simply shrugged and obliged.

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Road to Snowpoint City (Part 2 of 3)

The arcanine sniffs at lily's panties for a moment, the fire pokemon's warm breath assulting the lacy green fabric that were lily's panties. there was no mistaking it, the arcanine knew what this was.

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Pleasure on the Pelago - Part Three

Cyrus cupped one hand around the lucario's ass to hold him up, while the other reached down and delved into the bag hanging down one side of the fire pokemon's body.

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Hot Humps [Commission]

You couldn't help but notice how big of a rump the grown fire pokemon had, especially so since the crimson tip of a canine cock poked out from the sheath between his legs, giving him away as a male pokemon.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 9

Combuskin was the next one to fight, the fire pokemon made short work of the plant pokemon, knocking it out with one fire based hit without taking any damage.

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