War - Chapter 1 - Shattered

See if i give a flying fuck what happens to you!" with a heavy sigh, jonathan's heavy frame lifted from behind the table, a look of agony sliding over his face as he looked to his wife, his voice coming out in a whisper.

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Failed Containment- Chapter 8: Observational Data Leak

"what the flying fuck, john!?" "i didn't come here without insurance!" "insurance!? are you fucking insane?" "i'd rather die than be a facility guinea pig... or in this case, get eaten by the ones who were guinea pigs!" the white wolf said. "now go!"

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Rose- Chambering Spells

"i don't give a flying fuck what you think you are. you will be female eventually. so you're a lass. but get your ass over here and fucking help me for a moment. it's not a field trip after all." i grumble but choose to ignore him.

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XXXMAS Day Thirteen - Feminization

"i don't give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks and, if they have a problem with my girlfriend, you better believe your cute little furry butt that we're gonna have a problem." "i'm your girlfriend?" "i mean, for now, sure.

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Sorrow and Sadness: Part Two

I don't give a flying fuck if you yiffed alex. i couldn't care less, really. as long as you still love me as much as i love you, nothing else matters. you don't have to worry about anything. i'm not mad at you. i can never be truly mad at you.

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Armageddon: Chapter 1 - "Planning For the Future"

flying fuck, is going on here?!" richard yelled with pure anger. the other trainers stared at him; others looked down at the floor in shame, afraid to even talk to him. "well?!" he yelled.

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 7

I'm now a fully breathing and stronger werewolf who can give a flying fuck about people." the hellhound grins at me. "well then, walk with me and we'll talk some more." he starts making his way towards the river.

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Hemiola: Etude

"flying, sex, thinking--i make those metal brain teasers, with the interlocking rings? those are fun." speculus blinked. but what would he do? certainly not the same things as azura--somehow, her suggestions seemed insufficient.

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Paying the Rent

Very noble...personally i don't give a flying fuck, as long as i get enough test subjects. and i have been struggling to get enough equines. don't know why." i gave a tight smile then in perfect sync with hers. i think i could imagine...

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I don't give a flying fuck how you got this out, just screw off will you, i can't have you caught with me and this. go, hurry up and get out."

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Responsibilities-Part Three

Do you really think that i give a flying fuck about this class or studying? i don't. but i know you're a fag and i know that you're smart, so how bout we cut a deal?"

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Between a Rip and a Hard Place

God _damn_he'd dealt with some dumbasses at the store, but having someone try to argue with him that he should stock fucking **scooters** in his shop, like he gave a flying fuck whether they were more_environmentally friendly_or not.

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