A Lion’s Tail and a Bear’s Hug: Chapter 12

#12 of a lion's tail and a bear's hug so here we are. the penultimate chapter of the series for the foreseeable future. i'm kinda dissapointed it took this turn, but oh well. comments, criticisms etc would be appreciated.

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A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug: Chapter 10

Lejon didn't know what to say so he just let bjorn hug him. after 5 minutes bjorn composed himself. lejon turned round and hugged the bear. "bjorn, i'm really sorry i have to ask but, well i don't know how to put this.

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So Much Hugging. So Much Fun.

He gentry crawled on top of me and hugged me tightly while he rested his head on my chest. i hugged him tightly as i felt he stomach grumble from all the soup he just ate.

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Chapter 4: how to react

Suddenly smiling dave leapt at tiger nuzzling him "wrong, he said i could, and that i could sleep over too if i wanted" he said hugging tiger and pulling him up tiger smiled wide and hugged dave back the scene itself must have been quite

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Accident That Never Happened Chapter 3

He wiggled out of my hug, and walked to the door. "come on, lets go home." i walked behind him and whispered into his ear. "i kinda have something to do first." i walked out before him, knowing he would stare at me.

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The start of kairu's story *Part 3 *

The Darkness compounds Kairu around and around , Kairu couldn't stop the power that was hurting him . All he could think of the Heart gem . "what was wrong with me?" "What's wrong with my heart" ? Kairu turned hoping the pain would be over soon. The...

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Capitulo 1.5 Viejos conocidos

Perspectiva de Lightmind. Llegamos por fin a "Scale hill" 10 habían pasado, cuando la vi no me dio impresión de que nada fuera a pasar. Darkblaze- Esta pequeña villa es muy humilde no tienen muchos recursos pero debemos de encontrar armamento más...

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Switching Roles part 1

He blushes a little when charizard hugged him to his chest and layed his head down next to him.

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chapter three we'rewolf

Toma walked up to the lycan and hugged him "thank you aura" aura kissed him on the head as they held each other in a tight hug.

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The Limits of Love

He wrapped his hands around her waist and brought her in a tight hug while they kissed. her heart was pounding. as they both forgot time while kissing and hugging, they felt more and more relaxed, then sleepy. they ended up napping next to each other.

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Seeonee 2 - Chapter 13

There was no way i'd last long being cuddled up so closely to bagheera, in baloo's bear-hug. moist, warm breath and a rough tongue in my face woke me up. "hmmm... i want to sleep more", i exhaled dreamily.

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*PDS* I Made It Myself - 2011

Muriel crouched to hug her tail around the boy when he hugged her around the waist. "i fine, muriel!" tosh ran around her, almost dancing with excitement before running out of the room.

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