Claude gets Lucky 1

"nigel's mum is dying, his dad called and she's at the hospital in london, master james and nigel have gone to her, she's not expected to last more than a day or two'" alfred says. "he's taking his personal cmk jet, claude" alfred says. i sigh.

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Samuel 3

"you are under master james and master rory as often as you can be" he says laughing. "i'll fuck you like i did nate a bit earlier and i'd love to let you fuck me and knot me, fox father" i say happily. he grins at me. i hear the doorbell."

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Ignacio 2

"master james told me i should not tell you, claude" alfred says softly. i hug him. "explains why he got so mad when i got upset, rory's not happy as he didn't know until i just told him" i say.

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Claude and Earl Part 2

"i'll put them away, master claude, you should show dr micheals around his new home, master james is not home yet" edward says. "shouldn't you have asked your dad before moving me in?" earl asks.

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Clay 1

"he has master claude, master james is ecstatically happy now" alfred says. "good, i'm glad he took all of this well" i say.

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Lost in Translation - Chapter 9: The Power of a God

If foolishness were a power, clearly you would be its master." james stumbled as he took a few steps towards her. "then hargrove was right about you. but why? what do you plan to accomplish?"

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Buck 1

"master james is so sad too, we're going to miss our lion" he says hugging me and crying on my shoulder. "he'll sell this house when he moves the office out to california" i say softly. "he will, and i will go too" alfred says softly.

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Alf and Claude part 3

"claude, it's just like you, you love master james so much, you can't stay mad at him for long" alfred says.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book #4: An Unexpected Discovery", Chapter-10

"_if only it would be the_ an'im-raleen_and_ not _their masters..._" james and rha'an watched with trepidation as the giant wolf-ship leapt into the air and accelerated away in a streak of light. \* \* \* \* \* dark bloods.

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A Warm Bed Chapter 10

Jeff nodded slowly, noting that, just like master, james was more logical than he was, "right." with that, he slowly pulled his paws away, and absently scratched at his stomach, while kneeling by the 'coon.

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Chapter 3

"it's been too long, master james. too long, indeed. to see you meet such an untimely end... i only wish i could have had the pleasure of your company a few more times. you were always good company and a pleasure to speak to.

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Jed 2

"you know master james will give you a difficult time, claude" alfred says seriously. "i know, but he wants me loved, and he'll see in time" i say happily. "he'll play 20 questions and hopefully calm down" i say hopefully.

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